1. Good doctor, there are two of you...right?
My -8A has two seats! (As does a -6, -7, -9, and -12.)
Where is luggage space for my wife for a week, and our little dog and his crate? Or the friends we sometimes take to dinner?
2. You want to go far, efficiently...right?
My RV gets better gas mileage than either my car or pickup truck -- at 200 mph!
So does my Mooney.
3. You like modern avionics, right?
I installed a 21st century instrument panel in the RV for 1/5th of the price of putting a less capable panel in my Piper!
All I need is already there--G430W, AP, modern intercom. Just need an inexpensive something for ADS-B, if I go that route. You know, just like you will need for your RV. Even better, the previous owner did the installation of this, saving me bookoo AMUs for fuel.
Not to mention being able to do much of the work myself.
I do much of my own maintenance as well, including owner assist annuals.
All these things should enter your decision making process, as i know it has. Get your wife a ride in an RV. She will love it, too.
My darling wife didn't even see the Mooney until the week after I bought it. But she's happy with it. She likes our friends' Bonanzas, too, but knows they cost more to purchase and operate, and she is happy with our plane.