Final Approach
Local class D tower (VGT) will sometimes call to "clear of class D freq chg approved" if they are not busy with traffic in the pattern. Otherwise I'll call "Red Rocks, southbound" which is clear of his D space.
Even if he clears me off freq, I stay on and monitor, the tower freq is what most inbounds will monitor and report the same point as they approach the D space. I want to hear them. Red Rocks is a normal reporting point for those skirting the west side of the Class B.
If we are going direct to Class B space while VFR we have an assigned "recommended heading", to remain clear of the B, code and freq and get cleared to "contact departure" as soon as we clear the immediate traffic pattern. Don't enter the B until we are radar identified and hear those magic words, "cleared into the class b".
Even if he clears me off freq, I stay on and monitor, the tower freq is what most inbounds will monitor and report the same point as they approach the D space. I want to hear them. Red Rocks is a normal reporting point for those skirting the west side of the Class B.
If we are going direct to Class B space while VFR we have an assigned "recommended heading", to remain clear of the B, code and freq and get cleared to "contact departure" as soon as we clear the immediate traffic pattern. Don't enter the B until we are radar identified and hear those magic words, "cleared into the class b".