Congrats! Details?
There really wasn't much to it. Drove to Hammond, LA (I can recommend Fly By Knight there, I had a very good experience!). 3 lessons, 3.5 hours, 1.1 hour checkride.
Oral was 10% systems, 10% limitations and 80% about Vmc. Checkride was straight forward stuff, first takeoff aborted because of "engine failure" before Vr, after that, short field takeoff, engine failure on climbout. Simulate identifying and securing the engine, get the engine back. Climb to 5500ft, steep turns, slow flight, accelerated stall, power on stall, power off stall, Vmc demo, shutdown engine and a few basic maneuvers with one engine feathered. Emergency descent and engine restart, recover at 2000ft, get set up for an RNAV approach (non-LPV approach), 5 miles from the FAF, DPE gives me a horrible 50 degree intercept vector, and turning inbound fails engine during the turn, get lined up and "secure" the engine. Shoot the approach to mins, land one engine inop, touch and go, normal pattern to a short field landing. Go around from 3ft, another short field landing to a touch and go, another pattern to a flapless full stop landing.
1.1 hours, and it was close to 100F outside. I was sweating bullets after the pattern work.