Are we talking about the same
Instrument Procedures Handbook? The FAA publication with that name I am familiar with is intended for pilots and is sort of an expanded AIM that deals with instrument flight from airport ground operations to emergencies.
I don't think it has anything about the minutia of how IAPs are created, other than mentioning that design is based on TERPS requirements (the primary source of the minutiae of approach design). Of course, we might have differing views of whether such things as
An instrument approach may be divided into as many as four approach segments: initial, intermediate, final, and missed approach. Additionally, feeder routes provide a transition from the en route structure to the IAF. FAA Order 8260.3 (TERPS) criteria provides obstacle clearance for each segment of an approach procedure as shown in Figure 4-29 .
is minutiae or unnecessary crap.
Personally, while I would hardly think of it as vacation reading material, I've found it very helpful as a reference for explanations on instrument flight that go beyond the IFH.