Governor signs ban on 100LL into law

We’re currently on a road trip in California. All the way here from Florida, gas wasn’t too bad. But here in CA it’s well over four bucks a gallon - about $1.30 more than at home. The gas stations out in the desert reslly gouge people - $6.69 for 87 in, I think it was Ludlow. And it’s not like it’s up some remote canyon; the gas station is a hundred yards off of I-40 and tankers go by every day.

I am so glad I left this state.
Me, too.
Of course, "interstate commerce" has been stretched all out of shape, often including anything that conceivably might be used in interstate commerce.
No kidding. I got this firsthand from an ATF agent as to how they had jurisdiction to charge a convicted felon for possessing a firearm. The suspect was in California, and the shotgun, a Remington, was made in New York. They got records showing that at some point in the gun’s history, the gun crossed state lines and money was exchanged for it. That made it an interstate commerce case.

Never mind how the federal prosecutor lost the trial due to lousy case prep and ego.
Okay, let’s have “far worse” than getting lead out of the environment.
I'm all in favor of getting lead out of the environment, but scapegoating GA isn't the answer. Most AV gas is burned at altitude so there is no concentration from it on the ground, unlike auto fuel.

There was a cooked-up study at KRHV that resulted in San Jose banning 100LL. Most of the fleet there was able to use Swift Fuels 94UL, but pilots with high compression engines had to go elsewhere to get their 100LL. Then they would tanker it to KRHV. Makes a lot of sense.
It reminds me of the Southern beer stores that sit right next to the border of a dry county. Highest volume business in the area.....
My county used to be dry for liquor stores. There was one just across the line to the north and one just across the line to the south.

Funny thing was, they were owned by two of the five county commissioners. So every time the issue came up, they only needed to get one other vote to keep it that way.
I'm all in favor of getting lead out of the environment, but scapegoating GA isn't the answer.
How can you “scapegoat” the only group who uses 100LL? It was banned in cars 50 years ago.
The feds cover the flight of aircraft, but states and municipalities can set rules on aircraft when they're not in flight, like where they can land, how they're stored, and... what kind of fuel may be sold.
Absolutely not.

A ban on the only fuel that is legal for GA piston aircraft is a de facto ban on GA air travel. No bueno.