You can't build an unpublished hold on the G1000 (I wish). Maybe G2000.
I have tried that user waypoint thing, but it's just to much of a pain since you have to use LAT/LONG to define it. On the G1000 I just fly the first radial on Nav 1, have Nav 2 on the intersecting radial (TXK). Then switch from Nav1 to heading mode prior to the intercept, CDI to Nav2, then rearm the NAV function so it will intercept automatically and I don't have to sit there and watch it.
If you come up with a better way let me know.
I did what you did (fly actual VOR green needle indications).
However, the G1000 (newer firmware) will let you do a RAD/RAD waypoint type. BUT... (big caveat) I need to find a way to report to them how IMPOSSIBLE it is to use for actual use. See screenshots and commentary below, using my example (above) of the aforementioned TTT074 radial to intercept the TXK244 radial routing:
First of all, I love the new popup above the chapter that shows you the page selected with the small FMS knob. Helps you see which is next or previous in sequence... select Waypoints / User Waypoints.
For the record, I had NO flight plan and all user waypoints deleted when I started this with the new V12 Cessna Nav III sim (just received this week from Garmin, so it's the latest).
Name your waypoint. I marked it as temporary, but behavior shown below is the same either way. LEFT turn the small FMS knob when over WAYPOINT TYPE to select RAD/RAD (radial to radial) instead of the default RAD/DIS:
You'll notice the G1000 automatically put two VORs and their radials in the reference waypoints... ??? This causes a problem later. I wish it came up blank. Where did it pull these from? Remember, no flight plan, no user waypoints on file. Answer: Two nearest VORs, current position crossing radials. Confirmed by looking at the NRST / VOR page.
So, I start to override, and put in TTT 074 radial as the first reference radial for the waypoint:
When I hit enter to accept the radial, the G1000 complains that the 074 off TTT won't intercept the RIS 244.2 (my current position relative to the RIS VOR), and CHANGES MY TTT RADIAL to 008.6 to MAKE them match.
Now, if I go enter the TXK 244 radial, it again complains that the TXK 244 won't cross the TTT 008.6... and back and forth you go, between the two, narrowing the radial spread a degree or two at a time, TRYING to get them to match up. I finally gave up, unable to get it to accept both the TXK 244 and the TTT 074. I think the problem is these two radials are on a NEAR 180 degree intercept (170 degrees, actually).
AND, once I got the TTT radial to about 072 and the TXK to about 249 (working them towards each other), the G1000 suddenly changed the TTT value for me to 248 something, and put me over in North Richland Hills instead of north of Mount Pleasant airport, where I should have been with the TTT074/TXK244 combination. Then, changing TTT back to 070 wouldn't work, kept giving me the reciprocal radial.
So, for now... fly the green needles, or plot the intersection on your chart and use Lat/Long or Radial/Distance waypoints.
Funny thing: you can press the RANGE knob and pan/zoom, but the radials for the two selected reference waypoints don't modify themselves to match your selected location. Instead, once you press ENTER during a pan/zoom user selection, it generates a Radial/Distance waypoint and cancels your RAD/RAD waypoint creation.
There's a menu option for 'use current location', but not a menu option to start with no reference waypoints and wait until you've entered BOTH values to perform a "do these two radials cross each other" check.