Getting rid of fat

QUOTE="FormerHangie, post: 2396337, member: 17311"]Truly. Oh, the donutity![/QUOTE]
Its for Sac's benefit. He must sacrifice!
The problem isn't that I ate a cookie. The problem is when I let that cookie become 20 cookies for breakfast, then 20 more for lunch, then fake my way through a healthy dinner only to eat 20 more cookies at bedtime.

One piece of hard candy after lunch, something like a Jolly Rancher. One small fun sized York peppermint patty after dinner. Those are my treats, usually.
One piece of hard candy after lunch, something like a Jolly Rancher. One small fun sized York peppermint patty after dinner. Those are my treats, usually.

Yes. The little tiny Altoid mints are very satisfying to me. I also love the Yorks.
Yes. The little tiny Altoid mints are very satisfying to me. I also love the Yorks.

Just enough of a sweet to satisfy the urge without going overboard. When I have a snack urge, it's usually toasted almonds or some other type of nuts.
I buy these in bulk:

Home buying is better than home selling.

Wish you were right. Sold a home six years ago and it was a cakewalk compared to this nightmare. Seller cancelled closing less than 24 hours out due to an issue he knew about (and lied about on disclosure form) for months... apparently used the house as collateral while it was on the market for multiple loans and owes a lot of people money. Think he was trying to hide that fact. He's also been trying to weasel out of the money he said he'd give us for basement repair. That's not gonna happen, though.

That he is a pilot (student pilot) makes me feel no more fondly towards him.

To keep my rant relevant - he has belly fat. A LOT of belly fat.
House buying/selling is the third most stressful life event.

Edit: well, it used to be. Seems it's no. 1 in the second tier.
House buying/selling is the third most stressful life event.

Edit: well, it used to be. Seems it's no. 1 in the second tier.

Going through both and a heart attack in the middle.

I prefer the heart attack to buying and selling a house.....
House selling was more of a production than I thought it would be. I'm glad I wasn't working during the process. However, I think things went smoother than they could have, for both me and the buyer.
Look into intermittent fasting, has a lot to do with the circadian rythm of your liver. I need to start doing it again. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months, while eating more calories and not changing anything else. (read: I dont exercise, lol)

Dr. Sachin Panda does a lot of the leading research with it.

I haven't looked into it at all but it would make sense. It is the percent of time your blood sugar remains where that matters.
Gets very frustrating as we age,you could go the Lypo route.
That's crossed my mind.
How old are you?
Too old to go clubbing in the places that serve watered down Mai Tais in plastic cups.
I use to think it was just calories in/calories out but that seems to be far from the whole story.

Sugar. It is in a LOT of things you might consider "healthy" and is disguised as a lot of different names and ingredients. Talking processed and refined, not fruits and natural sugars. Crap is evil when it comes to body fat more so than "carbs".

Also, don't drink your calories. Water, coffee, tea...everything else just will stick to you like the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

That...and welcome to getting old!
I'm mostly a low carb guy. I have had some... excursions... lately.
Ah, no. Your body will treat 1000 calories of refined carbohydrates very differently than it will treat the same amount of protein and fat.
Absolutely correct.
Go see you doctor and have your thyroid function tested. If the thyroid is not functioning correctly it can cause weight gain even with daily exercise. Just went through this with my wife. She complained about weight gain to her doctor who was sharp enough to suspect the thyroid and tested her blood chemistry. She is now on a daily pill and has lost twenty pounds with no other changes. She still exercisises daily and is slimmimg down nicely. Even her butt is tigtening up. Come to think of it I have something to do.............bye
Something to think about.
And intermittent fasting also increases Testosterone and lean mass gains. Terry Crews has been doing it for years.
Might try that.
Everything causes an insulin spike, and some more than others. Egg whites alone cause a higher spike than a whole egg so cramming down 15 egg whites is not as good for you as you think when it comes to losing fat. And if insulin is spiked you're not losing fat. That's why I recommend intermittent fasting. You can have up to 16 hours of no insulin spike. It's just a tool in the box of tricks.

Take a break as well....deload at the gym and do a refeed. That might help as well. Exercising more usually will wreck things unless you eat more.
I normally go about sixteen hours between dinner and lunch the next day. I don't eat breakfast.
Learn some nutrition. Carbohydrate is more energy dense than protein, less so than fat. Balance and moderation in all things.
Depending on your reference. My college nutrition textbook lists calories per pound as 3,600, 3,400 and 1,500 for fat, protein and carbohydrate respectively. A casual Internet search lists calories per gram as 9, 4 and 4 for fat, protein and carbohydrate as the first thing to pop up.
Balance and moderation in all things.
This... but it seems hard for many people.

Not sure that I've been around people that analyze what they eat as much as on POA. Oh wait, now that I've moved to a new location, people do that more than I'm accustomed to here also.
Wish you were right. Sold a home six years ago and it was a cakewalk compared to this nightmare. Seller cancelled closing less than 24 hours out due to an issue he knew about (and lied about on disclosure form) for months...

Yikes, well I guess it all depends, and a lot on the market and location. If it's located where the market is hot, it will go fast and you'll be rid of it, and you will think it was easy, but if not, you will endure months or years of viewings, insincere offers, demands for repairs, etc. From a paperwork standpoint, it's easier to be the seller, because as a buyer you're usually dealing with a lender. Closing the loan has always been the most stressful part of buying for me. Well, I take that back, finding the right house in the first place is the hardest part, dealing with the loan application is second. As a seller, the second worst part is getting the house ready to show, it's just a lot of work. The worst is getting no bites for a long time if it happens to be sitting in the wrong place or you're selling at the wrong time.
The worst is getting no bites for a long time if it happens to be sitting in the wrong place or you're selling at the wrong time.

Everything sells if the price is right.
I've noticed that marathon runners are rarely overweight.

[possibly poor taste] And taken to the extreme, there were no fat people at Auschwitz [/possibly poor taste]
That is discrimination. Fat people have just as much right to run and win marathons as skinny people.;)

And they tend to dominate the downhill segments.
This... but it seems hard for many people.

Not sure that I've been around people that analyze what they eat as much as on POA. Oh wait, now that I've moved to a new location, people do that more than I'm accustomed to here also.

It's either that or socks.
For some reason cutting donuts in half didn't work for me. You still eat both halves, right?
Plain donut, cut in half perpendicular to the hole, toasted with butter. Yes sir, that's good.
For some reason cutting donuts in half didn't work for me. You still eat both halves, right?
Only if it’s a blue donut. Otherwise leave half to torment the OCDs and germphobes.
Everything sells if the price is right.

Yes but not necessarily quickly. If fast is all you care about, there's always someone to snap it up at a clearance sale price, but that is no reason to set your asking price below market value, if you have valued it accurately. There are some locations where you just don't have a lot of people moving in but the one or two that do move in will pay what it's worth, you just have to wait for them to get around to it. There are also properties that are quirky, you need the right buyer, but again that's no reason to price it low. Our last house was a combination of these two things. The quirk was it had a huge, well equipped shop that we knew was highly desirable for the right buyer. But there were lookers who didn't want or need a huge shop. They did not make offers, they wouldn't have bought it at any price. And there weren't many lookers to start with. Sure enough eventually a guy came along that wanted a big shop and he and his wife were moving into the area, the house was perfect for them. We ended up settling for something less than our original asking price but not much.

Selling a house in a situation like this isn't like in the middle of a big city where you'll show it a dozen times the first day it hits the market and you have two offers the next. There you know you either priced it right or too low. But in these rural areas with no population movement, no one would buy it the next day except as a bargain basement deal. You're not going to forgo $200,000 just to sell it quickly. Hence you put up with the annoyance as long as the money you are losing every month is still far less than what you will gain if it sells close to what you and your agent think it's worth. And if you have a good agent, it will, because they will have actually priced it properly. (Or you, if you're a FSBO.)
I haven't looked into it at all but it would make sense. It is the percent of time your blood sugar remains where that matters.
There are lots of benefits to it. There's a really good chart somewhere that shows liver function over time during a fast. 12-16 hours tends to be the peak times.
Wish you were right. Sold a home six years ago and it was a cakewalk compared to this nightmare. Seller cancelled closing less than 24 hours out due to an issue he knew about (and lied about on disclosure form) for months... apparently used the house as collateral while it was on the market for multiple loans and owes a lot of people money. Think he was trying to hide that fact. He's also been trying to weasel out of the money he said he'd give us for basement repair. That's not gonna happen, though.

That he is a pilot (student pilot) makes me feel no more fondly towards him.

To keep my rant relevant - he has belly fat. A LOT of belly fat.

Don't stress too much, either the deal will go through, or it won't, either way you'll hopefully be better off. I've been through quite a few real estate transactions and it always sucks, there is always something. Just make sure you are ending up with something you want and make sure you have a good lawyer and title insurance with this guy.
[possibly poor taste] And taken to the extreme, there were no fat people at Auschwitz [/possibly poor taste]

I recall in my personal training class being told that they might be clinically obese, based on body fat percentage. That starvation leads to wasting of muscle and even bone and connective tissue while it clings to fat for survival.

Always wondered if that was true.
Don't stress too much, either the deal will go through, or it won't, either way you'll hopefully be better off.

This. There's no housing shortage in our neck of the woods, which has depressed resale values to depressing levels. There's new spec homes going up everyday, all around us. We had hoped to sell our present home and downsize for retirement, but the more we consider the situation, the more sense it makes to turn it into a rental. :eek: