Someone asked the Vmc for a DC-9. Dawns on me I don’t know the “minimum anything speed” for any airliner I flew. It was simply stick shaker. Unless it was an Airbus, and then its pull all you want, it’ll stop where it wants.
Never never have to do a unexpected GPWS warning single engine, FAA thinks multiple emergencies are a bad thing to train… er… let me rephrase, 121 operators convinced the FAA…
This philosophy seemed to come about with AQP, don’t really know if they’re related, I was a line schlep, not management of any sort.
The whole multi piston thing, centerline or no, is a relic. Not sure why it’s required at all given all the rest that’s been phased out, like knowing the systems of the airplane you actually fly.
Consider this statistic… well experienced GA pilots going transport category, super successful. LONG TIME transport category coming back to GA (the ones that DID NOT stay GA proficient, or never were - think military types), not so much. Downright dangerous. Saw it so much I literally moved to Oshkosh to learn the skill (I’m the worst offender category, military gone airline that wanted to THEN fly GA).