As far as I'm concerned, there are two genders. Everything else is either a birth defect or a delusion.
That being said, I really don't give a rat's ass. If people want to play dress-up, it's really none of my business; so I don't care what they call themselves, how they dress, where they pee, or anything else they may do to indulge their delusions. None of it affects me in the least, so I couldn't care less.
What I do care about is when people try to force me to indulge their delusions. As far as I'm concerned, one's gender is defined by their chromosomes. If they want to believe otherwise, however, that is their absolute right. But it's also my absolute right to believe that they're delusional.
So basically, as long as they don't insist that I indulge their delusions, I won't insist that they confront their delusions. Makes life easy.