Gay Pilots?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Unregistered
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Gary Miesch said:

Do you really expect an answer to your question? I wouldn't touch that one with the proverbial 10' pole!


Why in the world not? Did I do something wrong in asking?
I _think_ Gary is trying to avoid stumbling into a "war of the sexes" type of discussion/argument. (Kind of like the hornets nest I kicked with the political poll - LOL)

sshekels said:
I _think_ Gary is trying to avoid stumbling into a "war of the sexes" type of discussion/argument. (Kind of like the hornets nest I kicked with the political poll - LOL)

There was sex in there?

*mumbles something about missing sex and wanders back to the political poll*

Moxie said:
Dear Unregistered,

I have an "out of curiosity" question for you that's a bit of a side step....

Are lesbian women more or less or equally inclined towards flying airplanes than straight gals? And if there is a difference, why would that be?

Funny you should ask. It was a discussion between and friend of mine, a lesbian pilot, and myself that prompted me to post my original question to begin with. We were discussing the different reactions the two of us have had from people in general, and pilots in particular, when they realized that we were gay. I've had far more "negative" reactions that she has from the flying community (although I have to say not THAT many negative reactions). And we got into a discussion about why that was. She thinks it's because people in general are much more accepting of two women together than they are of two men. But, neither of us knew many lesbians involved in flying to get more data from to see if our experiences are the norm. The discussion got me wondering what the reaction of this particular group of pilots would be.

I'm not sure what the stats are on the ratio between gay male and lesbian pilots. I can tell you that I personally know one lesbian pilot actively flying. I've met others at various gay flying functions, but it seems like the women come to one event and then never return. There are some registered women on the national group I belong to, but few ever come to functions. Although from what I hear, the group is making an effort to get our lesbian members more involved in the association. As a whole, it appears to ME anyway, that there are many more gay male pilots than there are lesbian pilots.

Why that is? I don't have a clue.

And.. No, as far as I'm concerned there was nothing wrong with the question.
Handsfield said:
I say go. Even people who are uncomfortable at a societal/political level are constrained to act civilly. There is all kinds of testimony about how well gay people are treated by their neighbors and co-workers in conservative middle-America (in fact, a story on NPR just 2-3 days ago). You will see some negative body language and verbal clues, but if you are an out gay man, you probably have felt it a hundred times already, as do racial and ethnic minorities (and women in some settings, including aviation). Anyway, I don't believe the level of social conservatism expressed on aviation websites is an accurate reflection of pilots in general.

Best wishes-- Hunter

I'm always grateful for your insights and supportive words. Thanks for contributing!

Re your last sentence above -- I was very surprised to find the social conservatism you mentioned when I first started posting on the other webboard. It didn't mesh with the other qualities I found in pilots, i.e. independent thinking, sense of adventure, self-determination. I am hoping you are right about the overall pilot population.
Toby said:

I'm always grateful for your insights and supportive words. Thanks for contributing!

Re your last sentence above -- I was very surprised to find the social conservatism you mentioned when I first started posting on the other webboard. It didn't mesh with the other qualities I found in pilots, i.e. independent thinking, sense of adventure, self-determination. I am hoping you are right about the overall pilot population.

Do, please, provide one shred of evidence for your apparent contention that being conservative in any way renders one incapable of independent thought, sense of adventure, or self determination. I know that liberal open mindedness wouldn't permit you to make an unsupported and contentious swipe at an entire group of people without something concrete to back it up.
Unregistered said:
Funny you should ask. It was a discussion between and friend of mine, a lesbian pilot, and myself that prompted me to post my original question to begin with. We were discussing the different reactions the two of us have had from people in general, and pilots in particular, when they realized that we were gay. I've had far more "negative" reactions that she has from the flying community (although I have to say not THAT many negative reactions). And we got into a discussion about why that was. She thinks it's because people in general are much more accepting of two women together than they are of two men. But, neither of us knew many lesbians involved in flying to get more data from to see if our experiences are the norm. The discussion got me wondering what the reaction of this particular group of pilots would be.

I'm not sure what the stats are on the ratio between gay male and lesbian pilots. I can tell you that I personally know one lesbian pilot actively flying. I've met others at various gay flying functions, but it seems like the women come to one event and then never return. There are some registered women on the national group I belong to, but few ever come to functions. Although from what I hear, the group is making an effort to get our lesbian members more involved in the association. As a whole, it appears to ME anyway, that there are many more gay male pilots than there are lesbian pilots.

Why that is? I don't have a clue.

And.. No, as far as I'm concerned there was nothing wrong with the question.
Dear Unregistered,

Thanks for responding to this! I was about to respond to Moxie and tell her what a good question she asked (thanks, Moxie).

About why fewer lesbian pilots than gay, maybe??
Unregistered said:
As a whole, it appears to ME anyway, that there are many more gay male pilots than there are lesbian pilots.

Why that is? I don't have a clue.

And.. No, as far as I'm concerned there was nothing wrong with the question.

Because there are a lot more male pilots than female pilots, so it follows that there will be more gay male pilots than lesbian pilots?
Joe Williams said:
Because there are a lot more male pilots than female pilots, so it follows that there will be more gay male pilots than lesbian pilots?
That would fit more than anything else, I think.
Toby said:
Re your last sentence above -- I was very surprised to find the social conservatism you mentioned when I first started posting on the other webboard. It didn't mesh with the other qualities I found in pilots, i.e. independent thinking, sense of adventure, self-determination. I am hoping you are right about the overall pilot population.
I gotta agree with Joe. That's a bit of a blanket statement there.

The ironic thing is that most conservatives consider themselves independent thinking (no big brother govt here, please) and self-determining (don't tell me where to live or how to live as long as I'm contributing to the community as a law abiding wage earner). The liberal doctrine suggests more of a Socialist structure, such as government-funded 'wellness' programs, free college, wealth redistribution, etc.. With those programs, however, comes a considerable loss of control on the individual's part.

Sense of adventure isn't something you can really measure. One person's adventure is another's waste of time.

I do not think I have ever witnessed this subject matter on an aviation board quite in this way. Imagine a group with a common interest wanting to share their interest no matter what race, religion, political affiliation, or sexual preference. err.......did I say political affiliation??? :)

In any event, just goes to show how intellegent people can be :):yes:
Joe Williams said:
Do, please, provide one shred of evidence for your apparent contention that being conservative in any way renders one incapable of independent thought, sense of adventure, or self determination. I know that liberal open mindedness wouldn't permit you to make an unsupported and contentious swipe at an entire group of people without something concrete to back it up.

Well it is not an exact scientific study, but lets start from the highest level................................

Lets take the last 2 Presidents.

One Followed in his Fathers foot steps.
Followed his fathers economic policy that was a policy that followed the last Conservative President before him (RR)

Independent thought, sense of adventure, or self determination ?

I don't think so.

One Played the Sax, Played with woman & brought the country to more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare roles. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.

Independent thought, sense of adventure, or self determination ?

Yes..... Ding Ding Ding!

Eamon :)
Me said:
Now, lets please allow the thread to return to the topic.
As I said before - the topic is here because the original poster (OP) had good reason to conceal their identity.

However, the political discussion does not belong here.

Take it to Hangar Talk please.

Thanks :)
Greebo said:
As I said before - the topic is here because the original poster (OP) had good reason to conceal their identity.

However, the political discussion does not belong here.

Take it to Hangar Talk please.

Thanks :)
How does one give an answer to someting in thread by taking it to another forum & keeping it in context?
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Greebo said:
Copy, Paste, and quote will work fine. :)

So I have to copy & paste 7 out of the last 8 post that ALL mentioned politics & move them all to a new thread because I wanted to answer 1 question?

Seems like a lot of work.

Where is the rules of conduct does it say no thread creep?

What are the rules regarding thread creep?

Why is it that BA, whom is a moderator, continued the political thread creep & it was ok, but as soon as I did, it isn't ok?

Am I on the "Hot" List :)

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Eamon said:
So I have to copy & paste 7 out of the last 8 post that ALL mentioned politics & move them all to a new thread because I wanted to answer 1 question?

You could probably copy the question you were answering and mention that it came from another forum. Better yet would be if the first foray into politics was done with a move, but that doesn't seem likely.

Why is it that BA, whom is a moderator, continued the political thread creep & it was ok, but as soon as I did, it isn't ok?

I guess even the gods screw up now and then.

Am I on the "Hot" List :)Eamon

No doubt about it, Eamon, you're definitely hot now that you're flying a turbine!:D

I suppose I should have moved this reply to another forum, but then I would have had to post a notice here pointing to the new thread anyway. Oh well, there goes the rep.:o
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Eamon said:
So I have to copy & paste 7 out of the last 8 post that ALL mentioned politics & move them all to a new thread because I wanted to answer 1 question?
As I count them, starting with Toby's, only 3 relate directly to politics as opposed to the topic at hand.

Seems like a lot of work.
You don't have to copy and paste if you choose not to.

Where is the rules of conduct does it say no thread creep?
Rules of Conduct said:
Off Topic (OT) are not prohibited, but should be posted within reason. There are some topics that are not appropriate for the forums. All posts are subject to these rules. Excessive OT posts will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

What are the rules regarding thread creep?
See above.

Why is it that BA, whom is a moderator, continued the political thread creep & it was ok, but as soon as I did, it isn't ok?

Humorous response: Greebo > Brian

Serious response: I'm not singling you out, if that's what you are asking. Toby posted something to which Joe objected. BA weighed in on it 3 days ago and then it died down. Your post, in my view, carries potential to trigger a rather charged discussion which REALLY doesn't belong in this forum or thread.

While such discussion is allowed (within the RoC), it has its place, and this isn't it, so I'm asking it be taken to where it belongs. I could just close the discussion down entirely, would that be preferable? I don't think so, as the overall topic has a lot of good discussion in it.

Am I on the "Hot" List
Not yet? ;)

Rules of Conduct said:
Not responding to or ignoring moderator warnings can lead to suspension.
Oops, how did that get there? ;)
Greebo said:
Off Topic (OT) are not prohibited

I only read the first part of any sentance so this is all I saw :)

Greebo said:
Originally Posted by Rules of Conduct
Not responding to or ignoring moderator warnings can lead to suspension.

Oops, how did that get there? ;)

So BA weighed in and for 3 days nothing was said. I weigh in and in 3 seconds later..............? Things that make you go Hummmmm.

Should I start sending whiney e-mails or is this a good place to ask questions?

I am not ignoring you, I am desponding to you :)

OK OK I will cut & paste El Capitán

Yo no quiero ser tirado a los leones
Tengo un respeto alto para la autoridad

Eamon said:
So BA weighed in and for 3 days nothing was said. I weigh in and in 3 seconds later..............? Things that make you go Hummmmm.
BA also shouldn't have weighed in himself...but as a policy we don't delete posts here. I'll punish myself me. ;)

Eamon said:
Should I start sending whiney e-mails or is this a good place to ask questions?
Site Feedback for whiny stuff.
Forum Support for questions.
We have no place for whiny questions, though. Sorry. :rofl:
Brian Austin said:
We have no place for whiny questions, though. Sorry.

Hmmm, IF you were a Unix guy, you'd reference /dev/null for whiny questions. But we'll leave that aside for a while.

Want some cheeze with that whine?
Eamon said:
So BA weighed in and for 3 days nothing was said. I weigh in and in 3 seconds later..............? Things that make you go Hummmmm.
I am now repeating myself:

Your post revived a topic that had died down 3 days earlier and contained enough potential to trigger a very charged political discussion in a thread where it doesn't belong, in a forum where it doesn't belong.

End of story.

As for where to send "whiny emails":
Rules of conduct said:
Bans and warnings are not to be discussed on the forums. Any inquiries or comments or bans are to be sent in private messages or via email. A moderator may choose to publicly inform the participants of a forum about bans and warnings if this is in the interest of the forum.
While this is neither a ban nor a warning, suffice it to say that one should interperet the above as being broad enough in scope to include moderator decisions regarding forum activity in general.
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