FYI: Soapbox is gone

smigaldi said:
i disagree, not "things" are better controlled, 'people' better control themselves.

Well if you want to be technical about it :D

Its a breath of fresh air i will tell ya..
Greebo said:
Actually, I have it on good authority that the forums have, indeed, been moderated (as in policed by dedicated, volunteer moderators) for some time.

If you go into the active users list, you can tell when someone is moderating a section.....
wsuffa said:
If you go into the active users list, you can tell when someone is moderating a section.....

But I only live on the "who's online" page here, not there. :)
Greebo said:

But I only live on the "who's online" page here, not there. :)

Just pointing out a way for folks to figure out who the mods might be. I know who a couple of 'em are.... :rolleyes:
You're up on me then, I only know one directly. ;)
OK peeps, I appreciate the dings in the ratings, but some are downright childish. Case in point? Someone dinged me for saying "you people". Please tell me how to refer to a large group of people who are realatively unknown to me? At this point, you are all "you people", with the exception of the very few who I personally know, and am honored to be your friends. The rest of you - well, one day you may be my friends. But right now, you are just people to me. You people. Get it?

I am not slamming or even whining. I just want to understand why everyday terms so offend whoever you are. You people is not offensive to 99% of the people on earth. You are obviously a 1%er
F.W. Birdman said:
OK peeps, I appreciate the dings in the ratings, but some are downright childish. Case in point? Someone dinged me for saying "you people". Please tell me how to refer to a large group of people who are realatively unknown to me? At this point, you are all "you people", with the exception of the very few who I personally know, and am honored to be your friends. The rest of you - well, one day you may be my friends. But right now, you are just people to me. You people. Get it?

I am not slamming or even whining. I just want to understand why everyday terms so offend whoever you are. You people is not offensive to 99% of the people on earth. You are obviously a 1%er

Eh? What ratings? Haven't found that feature yet :confused: Let me know how to do it and I will increase yours to make it up! After all, you havent PO'd me yet today!
Hi All:

A man convinced against his will is a man not convinced.

You never win an argument. You prove a person wrong and you make an enemy. You prove the other person right and you have lost your argument.

Life is too short to be at odds with anyone, including ourself and others.

One more: Any fool can critize, condemn, and complain, And most fools do.


p.s.> Now I caused my brain to lock up and I must go rest. :D
F.W. Birdman said:
OK peeps, I appreciate the dings in the ratings, but some are downright childish.
KP, this isn't addressed to you but you brought up the content...

It is rather childish...and not as anonymous as you may think.

Please don't get personal with this stuff. Address the post, not the person. I've noticed a trend on who gives who what type of points. The reputation system is still an experiment ready to be removed if required.

Let's also remember something else, addressing a few of the dings:

1. The PoA Hangar Talk forum is an open subject forum for any topic that meets the Rules of Conduct. Politics, religion, underarm hair knots of the pygmy women of the doesn't matter provided it doesn't get personal, vulgar, obscene or violate any other Rules that you agreed to when signing up here.

2. We've said it before and I'm saying it again: everyone...regardless of history or personal cleanliness...everyone starts with a clean slate here. Please keep your personal hatreds, dislikes, and skin rashes to yourselves until someone gives you a reason to do so...and even then it better follow the Rules of Conduct.

You as a community help set the tone of Pilots of America. You, as individuals, have the opportunity to give it a bad name. We, as Management, will enforce the Rules of Conduct to maintain the community that we hope will continue to enjoy each other's company. I truly hope that is what you're here for as well.

F.W. Birdman said:
OK peeps, I appreciate the dings in the ratings, but some are downright childish. Case in point? Someone dinged me for saying "you people". Please tell me how to refer to a large group of people who are realatively unknown to me? At this point, you are all "you people", with the exception of the very few who I personally know, and am honored to be your friends. The rest of you - well, one day you may be my friends. But right now, you are just people to me. You people. Get it?

I am not slamming or even whining. I just want to understand why everyday terms so offend whoever you are. You people is not offensive to 99% of the people on earth. You are obviously a 1%er

I've observed that with people twice in different "discussions" elsewhere than here. There's something about that phrase that makes some types of people feel like you're alienating them from you or something. Not entirely logical but strongly felt by them.
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Brian Austin said:
I'm going to post this reminder, only because of the direction this thread seems to be taking (by myself as well):

Let's keep the criticism to a minimum...and I'm talking to myself here as well. ;)

Brian, any chance of specifically lifting the rule against criticizing the red board WRT the closing of the Soapbox forum? I think that in light of what's happened there, this discussion is of particular importance and deserves considerable leeway, And from my perspective POA has been rather tolerant on this already, why not make it official (for just this one situation)
lancefisher said:
Brian, any chance of specifically lifting the rule against criticizing the red board WRT the closing of the Soapbox forum? I think that in light of what's happened there, this discussion is of particular importance and deserves considerable leeway, And from my perspective POA has been rather tolerant on this already, why not make it official (for just this one situation)
We have already discussed this in the management section, and the answer is no. We understand that there is a lot of personal need to discuss what happened, but we're not willing to let it go to the level of criticizing, because it's a very short, fast slide from criticizing to bashing.

You can criticize US, however, if it makes you feel any better. ;)
Greebo said:
We have already discussed this in the management section, and the answer is no. We understand that there is a lot of personal need to discuss what happened, but we're not willing to let it go to the level of criticizing, because it's a very short, fast slide from criticizing to bashing.

You can criticize US, however, if it makes you feel any better. ;)

I don't want to critisize anyone, but I would like to bash a few.

Just for sport of course, nothing personel.
F.W. Birdman said:
OK peeps, I appreciate the dings in the ratings, but some are downright childish. Case in point? Someone dinged me for saying "you people".

Does seem to be a bit peevish. You seem to have a pretty thick skin, a good sense of humor and a pretty logical outlook so just shrug it off. As I'm sure you know there are all kinds of people out there, some just aren't worth the effort. Maybe its a regional dialect thing? Certainly the older generation (guess that now includeds me :hairraise: ) use phrases much differently than the 20-something crowd.

PS - never cared for the "rating" system, never used it, don't intend to. Seems awful subjective and I'm sure what its use is :dunno: .
