Final Approach
The jumper post got me thinking of the funniest call sign I've heard. One time flying, I heard a jump plane call up approach with the call sign, " Jumper Dumper xxx". I laughed at that one.
Funniest thing a controller ever said to me was when I was training. Some of you youtube fans may know the video of a really bad day at JFK where the controller gets very aggravated at all the planes on the ground because they got out of sequence. The video ends with the controller saying, "you guys should come up here one day and see this show, you'd never believe it." Anyway, that controller works at KISP now where I fly out of. He's a great controller and talks so incredibly fast and uses a lot of conversation to keep everyone aware of what's going on. One day, late in the afternoon I'm taxing out to do touch and go's in the pattern and he's on ground control.
Me: " skyhawk xxxx with information bravo request touch and go's in the pattern."
Controller: in a very sarcastic tone "Of course you do."
then let's out a deep exhale and gives me my taxi instructions.
I laughed because i could just tell he was giving us a hard time just for the sake of it.
I really laughed when, as soon as we called the tower, he was also working that frequency. He could not have been nicer or more accommodating during our trips around the pattern!
I love him and have heard that as an audio intro done for videos by a CFI but in looking back I can't find it. Do you have a link, I love that guy's accent.