Returning from my second student solo cross country. Been a few weeks, but it went something like this:
Me: Dayton Radio, Diamond 107CL
DAY Radio: N107CL, Dayton Radio.
Me: 107CL has the field in sight and would like to close flight plan.
DAY: 107CL, Closing your flight plan, [gives altimeter,etc]. 107CL, is this your first cross country.
Me: no, my second, why? 107CL
DAY: You sound very professional on the radio, you're doing a great job.
Me: Thanks alot. I appreciate it, have a good evening. 107CL.
Me: Blue Ash traffic, Diamond 107CL, 10 miles north east of the field, inbound for landing on 24. Blue Ash.
DAY: You're still on DAY radio. [laughter in background]
Me: Dayton Radio, you jinxed me!! 107CL
DAY: I know, thats what we just said here! [More laughter]
Me: good night, 107CL