My problem with this is I'm a Professional. I went to great lengths to gain my ratings and experience not to mention 35+ years of experience. I don't give away my knowledge "for free" just as I don't expect my doctor or lawyer to give away their knowledge.
Welcome to the world. Lots of people are professionals and lost their jobs because someone, someplace, was willing to do the same work more cheaply. I know of thousands of chemists that have lost their jobs because chemists in other parts of the world will work for 1/10 the salary. I worked with many of those that lost their jobs.
Just because you have a problem with it- please don't knock the knowledge of others as you seemed to do with this comment:
If all you are after is to make a 70+ on the written, go with the book only method or the "free ground school". You get what you pay for.
I ran a Helicopter flight school and we charged (accordingly) for our ground school. I would have never asked any of my instructors to do the class "for free" since I considered them as Professionals.
Tristan told you she isn't getting paid for her time? I don't know what arrangement she has with her flight school (also none of my business).
I have gone to customer sites and given free training in spectroscopy /chromatography- this is valuable information that helps the customer use their equipment better and more efficiently. I'm not a professional? I am paid for my time. The information I convey can be used on competitor's equipment as well. However our company is generally perceived as having more knowledge than the competitors. People buy from us in part because of our expertise.
I know how hard it is to make a dollar in this business and don't appreciate the "I'll fly for free" or the "I'll work for free" mentality. It degrades the entire profession.
I'm sure Performance Flight School also knows how hard it is to make a dollar. The OP mentioned the Cessna training package...sold by Performance, so they probably make something there.
If they get some people into flight training, they make more money...CFI time, plane time, etc.
The free ground school is being used as a marketing tool. Performance Flight School is the only one I've seen in Lincoln that does
any marketing around here.
Successful marketing works- when I was relocated to South New Jersey, a medical doctor sent me a letter reminding me it was time for my medical. I gave him my business because his office was convenient to me and I didn't have to look for an AME.
When I relocated out here, a CFI sent me a letter asking for my BFR business. He also got the job.
In central NJ, Princeton Flight School was advertising on the local radio for intro flights. It probably worked since they did it for years- when I was in NJ last year they were still doing it. I noticed Princeton airport got a lot less push-back from the local community for upgrading their runway than Solberg, NJ did. Princeton NJ is practically NIMBY ground-zero and I saw no anti-airport signs down there.
Kudos to Performance and Tristan for trying something different. If it works, they'll keep doing it. If not, you don't have to worry because they'll go out of business or try something else.