Final Approach
and all this time I thought the title meant somebody was going to explain the homestead act and give out some free Nebraska dirt again ...
So how does someone earn a living giving instruction for free?
Well I didn't have quite as large of an outcome as I thought. We really need to keep encouraging others to show up. I can't imagine why someone would turn down such an offer. Many of my students said that it conflicted with other plans or that they'll come next week. We'll see and we'll keep passing the word around.
This is very true. One way to do it might be they need to pay $50 (or whatever) and you provide pizza or sandwiches or something. Then if they pay but don't show up, the flight instructors get a free meal!One problem with a "free" class is that the minute there is the tiniest conflict, the student misses a session.
When you pay 3 or 4 hundred bucks, you tend to make an effort to stick with it. Even $50 may engender a bit more commitment.
This is very true. One way to do it might be they need to pay $50 (or whatever) and you provide pizza or sandwiches or something. Then if they pay but don't show up, the flight instructors get a free meal!
Jeez, I just stumbled over this tempest in a teapot.
Jeez, I just stumbled over this tempest in a teapot.
This is nothing more than a variation of giving away the razors and selling the blades. It works for Gillette.
Ground instruction is, on its own, valueless. It only counts if you get out and do the airwork. Reeling them in with "free" ground instruction (costs to be recouped from the rental/CFI fees later) makes a lot of sense to me. Kinda like letting them try before they buy. If a potential student goes in thinking, "well, I've always thought about a PPL, and it doesn't cost me anything to try" and ends up taking flying lessons, hey, winner!!
This doesn't "cheapen" the profession, or take food from anyone's mouth.
Tristan, good luck, have fun with it, illegitimi non carborundum as the phony Latin phrase goes!!!
This was one reason I was suprised by some of the responses, especially when there were no facts to back up their comments.You'd think that would be about as universally accepted as can be, especially since most people know Tristan and know that she, of all people, would not do anything to hurt the aviation community.