Touchdown! Greaser!
He's poking fun at TOMATO FLAMES, the worthless acronym for remembering Day VFR required equipment...
..and he knows that -- and is trying to come up with a set of words anyhow.
He's poking fun at TOMATO FLAMES, the worthless acronym for remembering Day VFR required equipment...
I suspect the lack of aviation activity probably relates to the fact that Lincoln really isn't a city of money. Given the high cost of flight training compared to local income and almost no marketing not much happens.
I guess I don't see the problem.
If someone wants to provide free flight training -- so?
The market approach has changed for many products and services. After all, how much does it cost ya'll to post on this board?
Nick, I do believe that you're the one who called ground instructors "whiny." I am a ground instructor. I did not whine. In fact I think it's a good marketing idea, and we should do all we can to get new pilot starts.BTW, to everyone's jacked comments about my score - I only trotted it out to show that self learning doesn't net a "70 is passing score."
I guess in the future I'll let people slam the valued members of our community for doing something good, rather than trying to help. Its apparent not many people around anymore are of the class to recognize that, and find it more useful to lump on me instead.
Seems every day I wonder more and more what happened to the "back porch" of PoA.
I think a fantastic idea and a great opportunity Trist is taking advantage of. Geez guys she is taking the initiative! Her youthful enthusiasm to build a student base should be commended! The ground school will hone her teaching skills even more an a CFI / Instructor. This is an EXCELLENT idea! I know of at least one student pilot buddy of mine who will be in attendance!
Nick, I do believe that you're the one who called ground instructors "whiny." I am a ground instructor. I did not whine. In fact I think it's a good marketing idea, and we should do all we can to get new pilot starts.
I did receive it for free (job perk too). Leslie paid $10. I figured that for that money we got to sit and have a structured hangar flying, and someone off of whom we could bounce our questions as we went through the books. I always find it enjoyable participating in those sorts of group discussions.Ground school? I just read a book. I could have received it for free (job perk) but it wasn't even worth that to me. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.
If Tristan's getting paid... Great!
If she's not - Oh well.
Personally, now that I have my commercial, I'm still sticking to only gigs that pay. "Free flight time" is not pay. Even though I don't need the money, it's a matter of principle to me. I could go fly jumpers on the other side of town - But they don't pay, and the gas to get there isn't free. Sure I can afford it, and I'd probably enjoy it, and the time I need most is total time so this would work, but I think they should be paying. Period. Heck, the skydivers are sure paying to go up in the plane! And the only reason that they don't pay is that there are plenty of people who will do it for free.
Absolutely, and I don't think there's anything wrong with what the flight school is doing in order to drum up business. However, Tristan and other folks here should be informed that doing things for free or cheap just to get flight time or just because they want to fly is a highly controversial issue. I cringed when I saw the initial post because I knew that someone would bring up the "free" aspect even though it's just ground school. It's a good thing this is not a board with a lot of pilots who are doing it for a living.most people know Tristan and know that she, of all people, would not do anything to hurt the aviation community.
I'm probably the worst offender. When I first got my CFI, I enlisted my wife's son as my first guinea pig. Not only didn't I charge for instruction but I paid for the plane. He gave up before solo, but I learned more about teaching than I did from the CFI to whom I gave a big bag of money for the rating.However, Tristan and other folks here should be informed that doing things for free or cheap just to get flight time or just because they want to fly is a highly controversial issue.
I hope you don't like eating too much...
To put it bluntly Rick, welcome to business. It's all about competition. However if you want the answer, no one locally offers ground school outside thier own individual lessons. You might get a short lesson on how an airplane stalls but no one is going to devote 2 hours to individual topics such as aircraft systems or even weather. It promises to be entertaining, if nothing else, by watching me teach!
BTW if anyone complains about ground training no matter where they are, keep in mind that you can do the ground portion for free all by yourself. The FAA books are available free on the internet and you can take practice tests on many websites such as However, many people learn better when ground training is interactive rather than just reading a book.
Good idea!!should get jesse to set up a webcam so we all can watch it live streaming on the interweb. pressure's on!
should get jesse to set up a webcam so we all can watch it live streaming on the interweb. pressure's on!
The thing is that it's not only flight instruction. The doing it for free or cheap controversy extends all the way up the food chain. I'm not really hard on one side or the other. In some sense I believe it's a free market. In another sense I know that it keeps pay at a lower level overall. I just accept the way it is and I've always said that if you want to make a lot of money don't do something that other people consider recreation.All this "if you give the service away for free you're taking away from others" presumes that there's a fixed size to the market. This type of marketing is not targeted at the present market of students, but is aimed primarily at expanding the market and getting more people involved.
Exactly. Do the whiners complain because the books and ground materials are sold for self study too? Afterall, that takes money from AGIs!
John and Martha, move over!should get jesse to set up a webcam so we all can watch it live streaming on the interweb. pressure's on!
Don't give him any ideas! He's already threatened to sit in the back of the class and ask all the hard questions.should get jesse to set up a webcam so we all can watch it live streaming on the interweb. pressure's on!
Let me be a bit more clear. Performance Flight Training offered me the opportunity which I gladly accepted. Yes, I am getting paid for it, no I'm not getting rich off of it. But I didn't accept it for the money, there are better things out there to get rich off of. I accepted it because it's going to give me the opportunity to enrich myself in other areas including my teaching skills, challenging my knowledge, helping others by finding their passion behind learning to fly as well as encourage aviation in general to grow in the Lincoln area. We do encourage those who are starting out as student pilots to purchase the CD-Rom kit to help them follow along.
One thing we've noticed in aviation is the airport can be a pretty intimidating place especially with all the rules. If we can encourage people to come check us out, learn something about flying, and also take note that we're all normal non-scary people from students all the way up to CFIs, maybe it'll be a step up. It takes some personal initiative to walk into a place that the news as defined as a scary place as ask about a world they know little about. We take it a step further and invite them with the only initiative being to walk in the door. If the spark of flying ignites, then the fun starts and the scariness goes away.
The one thing my boss constantly reminds me is that once you learn to fly, no one can take that away. Once you're a pilot, you're a pilot for life.
So how does someone earn a living giving instruction for free?
Don't give him any ideas! He's already threatened to sit in the back of the class and ask all the hard questions.
Jesse, can I come too???
There will be no comments from the peanut gallery!
Tuesdays at 7pm.
If they show, buttonhole them. Toss them a few tough questions and engage them in a discussion of the answers. Soon, they'll be the guys in the BACK of the classroom.There will be no comments from the peanut gallery!
Tuesdays at 7pm.