David Megginson
Pattern Altitude
When I was shooting practice approaches at CYOW this afternoon, Tower vectored me to an intercept about 15 nm from the runway. There was no published leg of the RNAV LPV approach that I could intercept that far out, so I did some quick taps on my GTN 650 and changed from the original transition waypoint to Vectors to Final.
Normally, I follow the standard advice never to use VTF and instead just to choose the most likely transition (then activate legs as needed). This is the first time in the four years since I bought my GTN that I actually needed VTF.
Normally, I follow the standard advice never to use VTF and instead just to choose the most likely transition (then activate legs as needed). This is the first time in the four years since I bought my GTN that I actually needed VTF.
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