Filing Flight Plan
Hi Guys and Gals!
I've been stalking the forums for a little under a month now and finally decided it was time to crawl out of my hole and introduce myself. I've got my PP Certificate with around 160 hours under my belt (which is impressive that I can fit those under there since I wear a size 42 pant). I started to fly in good ol' Jersey, moved to Florida for a bit, and am now a transplant in MD.
I've been a little outta the loop on flying over the past year, but I think I've settled on a new place to fly and am looking to fly at least monthly. My local flying club rents some nice planes and none are equipped with GPS capabilities; in the past this wouldn't have been much of a problem, but now that I'm flying around the SFRA, I want to ensure that I don't get a nice F-16 escort during a $100 hamburger hop. Also, I think it'll be a nice reference on some longer cross-country flights. At the moment, I'm starting from scratch with no portable GPS and no iPad.
With all that said, I've been perusing this and a few other forums and am having a hard time deciding on what would work best for me. There seems to be quite the surge behind the iPad and I've gotta admit that WingX looks pretty awesome. Plus, seems like the price can't be beat, though I'm a bit concerned about it's reliability for flight purposes. I've also read good things about the Aera and I'm thinking that the 510 would be suited for my VFR purposes (doubt I'll subscribe to WX right away, seems pretty pricey, but I like knowing I have it if necessary). My main focus, however, is on the AV8OR Ace (please don't flame me); its got a nice big screen and is fairly intuitive interface from what I've seen and appears to be perfect for what I want and may want in the future. Thoughts?
Anyway, look forward to talking to you all and I've enjoyed reading all the threads so far! Thanks for the assistance and happy flying!
I've been stalking the forums for a little under a month now and finally decided it was time to crawl out of my hole and introduce myself. I've got my PP Certificate with around 160 hours under my belt (which is impressive that I can fit those under there since I wear a size 42 pant). I started to fly in good ol' Jersey, moved to Florida for a bit, and am now a transplant in MD.
I've been a little outta the loop on flying over the past year, but I think I've settled on a new place to fly and am looking to fly at least monthly. My local flying club rents some nice planes and none are equipped with GPS capabilities; in the past this wouldn't have been much of a problem, but now that I'm flying around the SFRA, I want to ensure that I don't get a nice F-16 escort during a $100 hamburger hop. Also, I think it'll be a nice reference on some longer cross-country flights. At the moment, I'm starting from scratch with no portable GPS and no iPad.
With all that said, I've been perusing this and a few other forums and am having a hard time deciding on what would work best for me. There seems to be quite the surge behind the iPad and I've gotta admit that WingX looks pretty awesome. Plus, seems like the price can't be beat, though I'm a bit concerned about it's reliability for flight purposes. I've also read good things about the Aera and I'm thinking that the 510 would be suited for my VFR purposes (doubt I'll subscribe to WX right away, seems pretty pricey, but I like knowing I have it if necessary). My main focus, however, is on the AV8OR Ace (please don't flame me); its got a nice big screen and is fairly intuitive interface from what I've seen and appears to be perfect for what I want and may want in the future. Thoughts?
Anyway, look forward to talking to you all and I've enjoyed reading all the threads so far! Thanks for the assistance and happy flying!