Touchdown! Greaser!
After nearly two months of the Flybaby being down because of various maintenance issues I was able to fly it yesterday just before sunset. Quite a few things were repaired: cracked oil tank, cracked no 3 cylinder, new spark plugs, wing anchor bolts, wing anchor plates stripped, inspected, painted, new flying wires, new turnbuckles, and a bunch of other things.
I was a bit nervous during the takeoff roll. It like always though quickly took flight and I started to feel a bit more relaxed once I got above parachute altitude. Circled the airport for about 45 minutes up high at a high power setting. Had to land since it was getting dark.
A hell of a view to come back to though:
Now I move onto installing panel lighting and potentially switching to disc brakes.
I was a bit nervous during the takeoff roll. It like always though quickly took flight and I started to feel a bit more relaxed once I got above parachute altitude. Circled the airport for about 45 minutes up high at a high power setting. Had to land since it was getting dark.
A hell of a view to come back to though:
Now I move onto installing panel lighting and potentially switching to disc brakes.