This exact issue really annoys me at my home airport. I'm trying to teach someone to be consistent and to do things the same way from day one. If you don't beat an after-landing checklist into someone's head from the start good luck doing it later.
When you're rolling out at my airport (class C, LNK) one of many things will end up happening:
- Controller will say "Bugsmasher 1234, turn right on Kilo, taxi to the ramp with me"
Pilot should exit runway, taxi to the ramp, then run checklist
- Controller will say "Bugsmasher 1234, turn right on kilo, taxi to the ramp monitor point niner"
Pilot show exit runway, switch to 121.9 while taxing, taxi to the ramp, then run the checklist
- Controller will say "Bugsmasher 1234, turn right on kilo"
Pilot should exit at kilo, stop, run checklist, and wait for tower to tell them to contact ground. They usually won't until you prompt them.
- Controller will say nothing and pilot exits runway on their own. Pilot then runs checklist and
waits for Tower to tell them to contact Ground. Usually tower won't until you prompt them.
It's completely random which one of those will happen. Student's ability to properly interpret that each time is rather difficult in their early stages. Seems to be worse in the last year or so.
I often see people taxing without permission or just sitting there awkwardly. I wish the Tower would just make up their mind with how they want to do things. It's just tough doing primary training when there are umpteen ways something could happen and they might not see one of them until their solo.