Well, to start with, the "large busy Class B" in this case is KIAH, Houston International, although Hobby is within the Class B airspace. There are Class C and even Class D airports around much busier. For example, I flew out of a Class D for 20 years with about 100,000 more annual operations than KHOU. And it's certainly not the only one.
Personally, flying into the Houston area, I would not hesitate using Hobby if my ground destination was the most convenient for my trip. Not so much with Class Bs but I've found many places where landing at a metropolitan Class C (many of which are busier than KHOU) was much better than the local Podunk or even "Executive" alternate including proximity, transportation availability and even overall cost.
But for a more general answer, there is just as much wrong with this as landing at a rural nontowered airport with a runway shorter than you are used to when all you have done before is fly out of mid-sized Class Ds. IOW, absolutely nothing so long as you know what you are doing.