Omar, you had the problem at Glendale, lol. I got chewed out 3 times by a controller there for screwing up my initial call to that tower. I forgot to tell him where I was. I was getting checked out in a new to me airplane, the instructor told me we would go there and warned me the controllers could be crabby. I'm not sure if I was thinking about that when I called him, but I screwed up. He had one other airplane in the pattern, a 152 and I was flying a 22T.
Anyway, I made the initial call, then realized I forgot to tell him where I was, he started immediately to give instructions to the 152. I turned to the instructor and said, "damn, I messed that up" he just shook his head and said "yes you did", any way the guy comes back to me, all ****ed off, and say " Cirrus xxxx you did not tell me where you are, I have no idea where you are, you need to be better on the radio!" So I call him back and say "Sorry about that, then redo the call with my location", he tells me to report the power plant. About 10 seconds later he lays into me again something like, " I expect good radio calls from you if you want to fly in my pattern...." he went on long enough for me to turn to the instructor and say "I guess I deserved this", the instructor said, "No one deserves this", I laughed, and said, "don't worry, I can take it". When he finished, I just said "got it."
So I get to the downwind, standard procedure I've been taught in the Cirrus is 120 knot indicated downwind, slow to 100 by abeam the numbers. If there is slower traffic ahead, I can slow to 90, with half flaps, but that is getting slow in a 22 and I prefer not to do it. The 152 was on final at this point. So I get to the downwind, with perfect radio calls I might add, and the guy calls me up again and says "Cirrus XXX, if you want to fly in my pattern, you need to SLOW DOWN!!" So I called him back, and said " I'm indicating 120 knots, I'll slow to 100 by the time I get to the numbers on downwind." He says, "I have a 152 in the pattern, and a Eurcoupe. The Eurcoupe was 10 miles away, I had him on adsb, and the 152 was on a short final, so I said to him "152 in sight". After that he left me alone, and started busting the Eurcoupe's balls, I felt bad for that guy, he got rattled and you could hear a female controller in the background, egging Mr. Personality controller on.
So the controllers in that tower have a reputation apparently and I guess the point of my story is it does no good to get mad at them, and no good to argue with them. Just be professional and do what you need to do. I'm thinking your instructor is up tight about those controllers which is why he got mad at you. If it happened the way you said, then that is not right, but I'm thinking there is more to his refusal to sign you off than that one incident. You have a wife and kids, instead of worrying about the cost, worry about being safe in all circumstances.
And yes, I did get signed off that day for the airplane, but that's another story.