MOA, Military Operating Airspace, joint use, ATC will keep IFR traffic out of MOA. VFR traffic may transit, not recommended without communication with controlling agency. Military is conducting training, may have high density (volume) of aircraft, fast moving.
VR, visual navigation training route, may go down to ground level and will have a ceiling level, may or may not be in contact with ATC. Must be VMC to stay in the route. Only centerline is depicted on VFR charts, may be up to 4nm either side of centerline. Fast moving well above 250knts dependent on aircraft.
IR, instrument navigation route, may go down to ground level and will have a stated IFR safe altitude, normally 1500 to 2500ft AGL or higher in rugged terrain. Military aircraft will fly the route in VMC or IMC conditions. Some aircraft are capable of IMC terrain following and may be as low as 400-500ft AGL in IMC at 540ktas, speed dependent on aircraft. Only centerline is depicted on charts, may be up to 4nm or more either side of centerline.