I know there has been alot of talk about about DUI's and arrests vs. convictions. I have read through them and im still trying to figure out my particular situation. I will make a long story short as possible. About 6 months ago I was in a car accident. All I can tell you (because I cannot recall the events) is that I told the police officer that I was not driving. I was transported to the hospital. After investigating the cop issued a ticket for DUI and careless driving but I did not sign it and he gave it to my dad. I was never "arrested". In other words, they did not read me my rights, did not put me in cuffs, did not take me to jail. I was released from the hospital into my families care. I hired a lawyer and he went to court for me because I wasnt properly served. The case was dismissed without prejudice, meaning the cop has 18 months (statute of limitations) to find me and serve me again which he has not, yet. A couple days ago I filled out and submitted the 8500 and selected no for that question. Because I was not arrested nor was I convicted. Well today I ran my background check trying to search something from 15 years ago when I was 12 (because it stopped me from buying a gun last year and I wanted to see what comes up) And yes I put that on the 8500 as well. However the incident I was looking for wasnt on there (juvenile) however it says that I was arrested for DUI. The date of the "arrest" is a month and a week after the date of offense. Which happens to be the same day of the arraignment that i did not attend and the same day my lawyer took me to get finger printed and photographed because it was court ordered. So, how do I go about this? I put 'no' on the 8500 because I wasnt, by definition, arrested but its on my background check. The 8500 has already been submitted but my physical appt isnt till next week. Any help would be appreciated.