Drone at 1000 feet in the San Francisco Bay Area


Cleared for Takeoff
Jan 15, 2009
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Had a bit of a surprise today departing VFR eastward from Palo Alto, threading the needle between the SF Class B and the San Jose Class C airspace.

After passing the eastern shoreline of the bay I was at 1100 feet when I noticed a small white drone about 30 feet below and within 20 to 30 yards slant range. It couldn't have been much farther because my eyes aren't that good and I could see it clearly.

It didn't really bother me but it got me wondering about the drone regulations. I know that there are some altitude limits, at least in certain areas, but I don't know what they are.

Also, I'm guessing that commercial operators can get permission for higher for certain reasons.

I'm mostly curious about the drone rules and would appreciate some insight.

I was on flight following and considered mentioning it to the controller but he was quite busy, and I had my hands full navigating and dealing with some light turbulence.

Any insight on drone altitudes and related regulations would be appreciated.