I'm going to assume it was a huge success- in other words, it failed to leave the ground.
If he ever gets that thing airborne, he will probably regret it.
I wish that someone would have given him some money and seen what the guy could have really done. It's amazing that he built that with his very limited resources.
Not in my opinion. Craftsmanship was crap. he spent 6 months studying "on the internet". However long it took him to build that POS should have been how long he spent building one wing rib.
We would all still be living up a tree in Africa afraid of big scary growly things that go bump in the night if it wasn't for people like him.
Too many thinkers, not enough doers nowadays.
We would all still be living up a tree in Africa afraid of big scary growly things that go bump in the night if it wasn't for people like him.
Too many thinkers, not enough doers nowadays.
I agree. He obviously doesn't have the resources we do but he's still trying to achieve his goal and he's not letting it break his spirit, even after failed attempt after attempt. That's commendable. And I hope that he does get it in the air and back down safely.
I disagree. He needed to do a lot more thinking and a lot less doing. He didn't know what he didn't know and didn't do his due diligence before even started. He should have spent that 6 months on the internet figuring out a realistic game plane. He knew the odds were against him time and patience obviously aren't his virtues. Poor planning and even worse execution. If people were like him, we'd all be dead.
But do they do overhead breaks???The Nigerians bought a bunch of RV's and fly them as military trainers.
But do they do overhead breaks???
If you've ever seen the roads in Kenya, that is more accurate than you might think.....Not to worry. It'll never get to a fast taxi, much less leave the ground.
The Nigerians bought a bunch of RV's and fly them as military trainers.
Comparing this guy to the Wrights and Rutan is ridiculous. This is nothing but cargo cult practices and wishful thinking. It's ignorance, not science or innovation.
You know something... If you dig around through newspapers circa 1900-1903 you could probably find nearly those exact words about two crackpot bicycle brothers that should stay within their realm of expertise and leave flying and aircraft design to the real experts in the field who actually know what they're doing.
Heh heh... a bit of understatement, there."Probably?"
Heh heh... a bit of understatement, there.
But then again, this guy is so obsessed and so determined, he may have no regrets, even as he crashes.
did the Nigerians pay Van extra and want him to return the difference with a cashiers check?
I can't really fault the guy, and I certainly wont be laughing at him. People from that part of the world simply aren't provided the same opportunities we have here. No real education, no real future. Who can fault a guy for trying to fulfill his dream of flying? It's more sad than funny.
I just don't want to see him pushing that thing up to the edge of a cliff and going over the edge Wiley Coyote style trying to achieve flight in it.
I kept thinking of this: