Assign an altitude to an aircraft only after the aircraft
previously at that altitude has reported at or passing
through another altitude separated from the first by
the appropriate minimum when:
a. Severe turbulence is reported.
b. Aircraft are conducting military aerial
FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 9−2−13, Military Aerial Refueling.
c. The aircraft previously at the altitude has been:
1. Issued a clearance permitting climb/descent
at pilot’s discretion.
2. Cleared to CRUISE (altitude). However, do
not use Mode C to effect separation with an aircraft
on a cruise clearance.
An aircraft assigned a cruise clearance is assigned a block
of airspace from the minimum IFR altitude up to and
including the assigned cruising altitude, and climb/descent
within the block is at pilot’s discretion. When the pilot
verbally reports leaving an altitude in descent, he/she may
not return to that altitude.
P/CG Term− Cruise.