Ok, as promised I tried some practice engine outs from 2000 feet. I flew 3 scenarios. All three were Vy, full throttle until 1000 AGL, then increased to about 20 over Vy and 2500 rpm until 2000 feet, then pulled throttle and full carb heat and counted 10 Mississippi before changing anything. Crosswind turns were done at 500 AGL
wind was roughly 10 at 45 to the runway.
1. Upwind
2. Crosswind into wind
3. Crosswind away from wind.
both upwind and into the wind tests I made it back with too much to spare. Had a very hard time losing the altitude safely, but made it to the ground without touching the throttle.
Crosswind away from the wind I came nowhere close to making it. But, I made it close enough I cloud have landed in that field in the OPs picture quite easily.
thanks for inspiring me to do this, great practice and education.
questions that remain are, had I done Vy all the way, could I have made it back in scenario 3? My guess is no, but it would be close.