Dave (9/5/2019, 11:33:29 PM): testing processor
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:33:38 PM): Okay.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:33:48 PM): This is the short test of 5-7 minutes.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:34:07 PM): 4:19 rem
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:34:11 PM): If it shows any error, please let me know.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:34:27 PM): testing memory
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:34:50 PM): Please note that, if the ePSA test does not show any error, it means there is not any issue with any of the hardware component.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:35:51 PM): Critical Error message one or more errors detected
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:36:03 PM): First time its said that
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:36:26 PM): So its a hardware issue; pls send someone out. I have paid for on-site business computer repair.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:36:51 PM): can I send a photo of the screen?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:37:06 PM): What is the error code?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:37:12 PM): May I know?
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:37:29 PM): No number shown. Only "OK" -want a photo?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:37:30 PM): "Critical Error message one or more errors detected" is not an error.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:38:02 PM): I would like to start the return process
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:38:08 PM): No, if there is any error, only then we can get that, there is an error with hardware component.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:38:46 PM): It says there IS AN ERROR right there! I have a photo of it! When is An Error NOT an error???
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:39:09 PM): Yes, I agree.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:39:25 PM): What would you do at this point that other 8 techs have not done?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:39:59 PM): But if there is any error, then it'd have specific error code.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:40:10 PM): I clicked the ?, let me see....
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:40:25 PM): nothing.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:40:34 PM): I can only click OK at this point.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:40:57 PM): As I informed you that, this issue is out of scope for us and we asks our client to contact the dedicates support as per above number I've mentioned.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:41:15 PM): I have to pay to have my new computer fixed?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:41:20 PM): Please contact them to get further support on this issue.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:41:29 PM): I am pretty sure its under warranty
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:41:35 PM): That will be decided over that support line.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:41:37 PM): what do they charge?
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:41:55 PM): Yes, though it is under warranty, it is not an issue with the hardware component.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:41:58 PM): unbelievable!
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:42:29 PM): When I purchased it, one line-item was "Win10Pro OS" which I paid _DELL_ for.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:42:47 PM): This is absolutely horrible customer service!
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:43:12 PM): Dave, the issue is out of scope for us and we have a technical support.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:43:26 PM): As the issue is out of scope, we are unable to assist you.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:43:47 PM): I bought a new computer from you, with warranty. Please help me!
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:43:51 PM): We can assist you when there is any hardware component failure.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:44:19 PM): Yes, I do understand, but there is a dedicates support and I'm requesting you to contact them to get support.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:44:59 PM): which number
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:45:12 PM): Dell Solution Station (DSS) 877-409-3272.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:47:10 PM): Is there anything else that I may assist you with?
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:47:25 PM): Promise you will share this issue with your team. Most reasonable people will see how incredible this situation is and how a normal customer experiencing this will be beyond livid. Tell them your customer said, "Thanks for the $1100.00 brick, Dell"
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:48:24 PM): Dave, usually blue screen issue resolves with the OS reinstallation.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:48:44 PM): I request you to try the OS reinstallation with Dell OS image which you can download from the Dell support site.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:49:16 PM): If you still face the same issue, further you can go for the Dell Solution Station (DSS) 877-409-3272 support.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:49:38 PM): If you are not telling your team or your supervisor, all I can presume is you deal with such Dell failures each day and this is nothing new to you.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:49:52 PM): Because, the ePSA test is main test to find the hardware defect.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:50:07 PM): I will surely inform to the senior team, there is not any issue.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:50:37 PM): But whatever the resolution I've informed you, is the main resolution for such issues.
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:50:57 PM): You can always get support for your PC including System & Warranty info, Diagnostics, Drivers & Downloads, Dispatch status, etc. at
Sagar K (9/5/2019, 11:50:58 PM): Thank you for choosing Dell. Have a wonderful day.
Dave (9/5/2019, 11:51:09 PM): off to get my blood pressure meds