I've always known that GA has a less than perfect record, but not until joining this forum, did I realize how bad it is.
Overall, light GA has a safety record on par with the safety record for motorcycle riding.
That's not very good. But consider motorcycle riding for a minute. Most riders are wearing protective gear and riding conservatively, right? But you still see retards riding crotch rockets FAST while wearing shorts and a wife beater. I see that on a regular basis.
Those retards are bringing the overall safety record way down for motorcyclists. Of the two riders, you would definitely agree the guy speeding on the crotch rocket with no protective gear is exponentially more likely to die in a motorcycle accident, that the guy wearing his gear and obeying the laws.
The same thing happens with light GA. I won't go calling pilots retards, but ask any active CFI and they will tell you, there are a lot of rusty pilots flying out there. Some with very questionable decision making skills, and a general apathy towards improving their stick and rudder skills or weather knowledge. 95% of the regular POA members do not belong in this group
If you look at most light plane crashes, probably 80% of them stem from a lack of currency or training. Read some NTSB reports and ask yourself if the pilot had been flying a part 25 airplane, with all its technology and performance advantages, would he still have crashed? The answer in most cases is YES.
You still get some freak accidents once in awhile. But this particular crash does not sound like one of those.