Over the weekend I was coming back from Maine and was utilizing flight following. I got handed off to Boston Center and was approaching my destination. At about 10-12 miles out I had not been contacted about terminating radar services and frequency changed approved. so I waited for a break and called in canceling radar services and got a reply back that was more or less "Negative and all VFR aircraft you do no call into me, i will call out to you" At this point I was going to be descending in a moment and was a bit fluxored as what to do? Do i call back again canceling radar services or do I say screw it and switch to CTAF and get on the ground. Thankfully a moment or 2 later I got a reply back handing me off to Bradley Approach and instead responded canceling services. But had it been another moment or 2 it quite likely could have been I was too low to cancel services.
I understand this is a bit of a unique circumstance, but what would have been the correct response had I continued my decent and was approaching a point where I would have no longer been able to communicate with Boston Center? Should I have reiterated my cancellation request or just switched to CTAF and landed normally as I had already made my cancellation request?
Personally, I would have said "pound sand, switching to 1200, SEEYA...
Change freqs and continue the flight...
If they want to get ugly with you later, let them pull the tapes.. The controller was out of line. PERIOD...