Cleared for Takeoff
Here is the possible breakdown, as near as I can tell:
Home to airport: 5 minutes (no joke)
Walking to plane, prepping plane, taxiing: 10 minutes (?)
Flight time: 25 minutes
parking plane, egressing airport: 10 minutes (?)
airport to office: 10 minutes (assume average speed of 30 mph on thinly trafficked road with only 1 light)
total time door to door, 1 hour. The key point here, is that the home->airport and airport->office legs are really, really short and easy. Right now it's taking me minimum 2 hours drive if I work offset hours, often 2.5 if I brave peak traffic.
You're underestimating all the plane times. Preflight will take you at least 10 min and that's if you're really glossing through things. 15 if you actually wanna look the thing over reasonably well. Startup, clearance, taxi and runup are another 10 minimum. If you're flying 37miles it's gonna be at least 30-35min of flying since you're gonna have to climb, and work a flight pattern. Taxi and tie down and putting the plane away is more like 15.
In other words add 30min to what you just estimated at a bare minimum and that's if the plane is already fueled and everything goes smoothly and you dont have to wait for any other traffic at either airport.
Being so close on each end gives you the optimal setup to do this, but getting a plane ready and into the air takes a bit of time, and short legs like this dont really allow you to exploit the full speed of a plane, which is why guys are saying it doesn't matter how fast the plane is. You're gonna spend a lot of the flying time either climbing at reduced speed, or at reduced power and speed for the traffic pattern and descent to land.
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