Pre-takeoff checklist
Curious the technical answer and the real world answer of what controllers expect (assuming they are different)
Suppose you are cleared from departure airport to the ABC airport and your route is xzy waypoint, direct ABC. You take off and are vectored for a while, sometimes you hear cleared direct xyz, that is easy. Sometimes you get cleared on course. I have always taken that to mean direct to my next point in my clearance, in this case xyz. This weekend I was vectored and ended up fairly close to the original course from the departure airport to xyz. Are you ever expected to join the original course or does "cleared on course" always imply direct to the next point in your clearance.
Suppose you are cleared from departure airport to the ABC airport and your route is xzy waypoint, direct ABC. You take off and are vectored for a while, sometimes you hear cleared direct xyz, that is easy. Sometimes you get cleared on course. I have always taken that to mean direct to my next point in my clearance, in this case xyz. This weekend I was vectored and ended up fairly close to the original course from the departure airport to xyz. Are you ever expected to join the original course or does "cleared on course" always imply direct to the next point in your clearance.