Cherokee down - Florida

Ok, that might be a bit much. Stall recognition and recovery are important, as well as spin prevention. Deliberately trying to put an airplane into a spin doesn't sound like grand idea, particularly for types that don't spin well.

Mooneys spin very well! They do not, however, recover well from spins . . . . . Right after discussing both stall and spin recovery procedures, my Owners Manual warns that "up to two thousand feet may be lost in a one turn spin and recovery."
My FR a month back was interesting. I told the CFI I wanted to practice slow flight, so I start slowing down until the stall warning goes off. He objects, says we can't get that slow in a Mooney, makes me "slow" fly at 65kts. OK, you're the boss, but if the stall warning isn't on, it isn't slow flight. Next power off stalls. I pull the power, and smoothly start pulling back on the yoke. He objects, doesn't want to full stall the Mooney. OK, you're the boss.....:rolleyes2:

Sigh. This makes me sad.
Doubt it. SP gets about as much attention from the FAA as Rec. We’re largely ignored.

Yeah but they’re going to do them all eventually. God help us the CFI one will be about 1000 pages and three inches thick if it mimics the Private and Commercial ones. LOL.