21.93 not applicable in this scenario. A major/minor
change to type certificate is not the same thing as a major/minor
alteration. Major/minor changes to TC are outside the ability of a A&P/IA and are determined at the FSDO/MIDO/FSDO levels. Plenty of guidance docs on this:
"The use of the terms “major” and “minor” are sometimes inappropriately applied or misunderstood. A major change in type design can be approved only by an ACO as an amended type certificate (ATC) or Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). A major alteration requires the use of FAA-approved technical data. Minor alterations only require data that is acceptable to the FAA. During an evaluation, an anticipated major alteration may be subsequently classified as a major change in type design, and thus would require application for an amended TC or STC."
In your battery example, if the replacement battery is of the same type (25, 35) and weighs the same within a pound you can swap it out as a minor alteration per the above mentioned AC23-27. Unfortunately, the weights are different so the AC would not apply so that would take you back 43 Appx A(a)(vii). However, if your replacement battery is PMA'd as a
replacement (plug n play) for your aircraft model then it could also be installed under a logbook entry and an A&P correction of the wt/bal report. Anything short of that would fall under a major alteration.
Where 21.93 (major change) could come into play is if this 12v dry cell has no approval and you apply for a field approval to install. If the FSDO determines it is not a minor change to TC then they would forward your request to the ACO. If the ACO determines it's a major change to TC then you would have to pursue a STC to install it and not a field approval.