Central Tx Flyin event Apr22/23/24

Too bad it ended up being on the same day as our fly-in at Fort Parker. It's out Texas 120/140 Fly-In, so I'll be there. Maybe next year!
Too many things going on that weekend. Alamo Liaision Squadron's also got an event that weekend down at 53TX south of San Antonio. I'm thinking I may not make any of them. o_O:rolleyes: But, I'll probably have some fun somewhere with the wife for her birthday! :);)
SH*T WHAT? 6PC is coming to CTX? Wow! I am definitely attending the STOL competition (no, not competing).
Bring Mike with you, Brian-with-a-Y.

I agree that too many fly-ins start popping up but that's given by the weather. There were barely any fly-ins in February when we had 80's and early March with low 90's (I am talking Fahrenheit, really). Let's hope the weather holds up and it won't shoot into 100's like one April a few years ago.

See ya there!
I am going to try and compete. I think I could win using the chute no problem.
Ok. Checked with "the boss" and we can come down for some portion of it. Is this kid friendly? Not a deal breaker if not but need to make arrangements.
That is funny as hell!!!!!!
I've flown a non-Cirrus with a parachute before. Was an Apollo Fox SLSA at 5C1 and it was a nice little plane. If there was a reasonably-priced 'chute option for the Cessna 120 I'd give it serious thought, but mainly for real uh-oh situations. I will say that despite it not being as "robust" as a Cessna 172, I actually preferred it on night cross-country flights knowing I wouldn't have to worry about hitting trees in the middle of a perfect approach.
What time does the competition begin? If I were to fly in Saturday morning for the day, is it difficult to land on 17/35 with all the activity on 13/31? I'd hate to be the azzhat who disrupted things.
What time does the competition begin? If I were to fly in Saturday morning for the day, is it difficult to land on 17/35 with all the activity on 13/31? I'd hate to be the azzhat who disrupted things.
Good question but their webpage fails to disclose that.
From my past experience (which might not reflect current schedule), the competition and flour bombing did not start until after lunch. Again, this might have changed and might not be true anymore.
Can somebody find out for sure, please?
I can give Larry a call. Surely he'd know.
We still hope to be there.
In theory, I am picking up my new cylinders day after tomorrow.
They should be installed this weekend. Handful of test flights, and we should be good to go.

That said, I know how rarely things fall into place.

We'll see.
Or fall from together?

Wishing you good luck on the reassembly and test flight. And hoping to see you there. How do we recognize you? Do we just look for a canopy over the field? :D

I'll be the one wearing sandals.
I'll be out there to check it out, it should be a nice ride on the bike
I don't see anything about the airport being closed during competition so presumably you can arrive anytime. And that does mean possible intersecting approaches or departures. No problem if we use what we know.

Both runways (asphalt/grass) can run simultaneous without interference. They have runway 17-35 setup with the pattern to the west (it's also on their AWOS). Sectional is updated with RP 17 asphalt and 31 grass (Right Pattern). I re-fuel there at least once a month when I visit my son in Austin (Austin-El Paso).
Well, my 120-140 Fly-In was canceled since their field is soaked. I plan to be at this event now. Brining the camera and the Maule, so if anyone wants photos, there is some great scenery in Llano!
Saw you taxi in and park near the end of 17 @Lowflynjack, there was a lot of planes out! Sad to see the guy ground loop.
Really cool event, greatly enjoyed! Videos attached (well, I will try)

:( bummer, saw a Cherokee right after it pulled out of its grass tiedown; wingtip nailed the side cowling of a 210. Way huge and serious dent. Oh well, it can be fixed, no one hurt.
I had a metric crap-ton of fun!
Saw you taxi in and park near the end of 17 @Lowflynjack, there was a lot of planes out! Sad to see the guy ground loop.
It was a lot of fun, but exhausting.

I spoke to the guy that ground looped the Bearhawk and he was okay. He and others called landing 17, but one of the "Mini Bosses" told them 35 was the active runway. I checked right after he landed and AeroWeather was showing a quartering tailwind of 7 gusting to 16. Someone said it was safer to land on 35 because of the event. Funny how it was safe enough to use 17 after the accident. Before the Bearhawk, a Cub went off in the grass, and a Maule ground looped and went off in the grass. Both were okay.

The most interesting part for me was when the Llano Police showed up for the accident. They were talking about moving the plane. She told them to leave it until the State Trooper showed up. The Airboss told her she had no authority there and they were going to move it. She told them to at least let her get photos. She went back to her car and the Airboss told a group of guys to move the plane. The police officer wasn't too happy. I agree about their authority, but I was wondering about ignoring an order from an officer. I'm sure she could have arrested him on something that would have ruined his day. Probably would have been dropped later.
The wind was out of the south most of the day. I had to go around on 35 after misjudging the distance I'd need to land with a tailwind. I didn't think landing on 17 would be any more dangerous than me going around on 35.
The wind was out of the south most of the day. I had to go around on 35 after misjudging the distance I'd need to land with a tailwind. I didn't think landing on 17 would be any more dangerous than me going around on 35.
I agree. They were using the southbound grass runway (13) for the contest, but telling any incoming traffic to use the northbound paved runway (35). They were all quick to gather up and discuss that it was only light winds, but as I said earlier it was 7G16. It's a good lesson for us all. You are the pilot-in-command. Had you crashed, it would be your fault.
It was a fun-filled day for sure. Lots of people were disappointed that there was no food around until lunch. (frankly, serving breakfast tacos in the morning in Texas has become kind of a standard ... I am surprised that the Mexicans overslept this one ... there were 0 taco trucks at the event)

Nonetheless, the fun was great, we saw a lot of slow airplanes (that's a good thing, right? :D ) and even watched the Kodiak NOT break the landing gear. I wonder how long it took him to wipe the grass stains off the belly, though. LOL
After the competition, we watched a Bo and a Skyhawk land on the grass as well. The Bo just rolled on, it was a great touchdown. We learned a few minutes later that they were sent to the grass rwy due to the 17/35 ground-loop closure.

I did not see the blinding 140 (Jack) or a canopy (6PC). We need to co-ordinate better next time.

So when is the next one? October?
I saw the shiny 140 - what a gem!
It was a fun-filled day for sure. Lots of people were disappointed that there was no food around until lunch. (frankly, serving breakfast tacos in the morning in Texas has become kind of a standard ... I am surprised that the Mexicans overslept this one ... there were 0 taco trucks at the event)
Not sure how everyone missed it. They had all three meals every day. They had the big tent up, and behind it to the North they served pancakes, sausage, eggs, etc. Oh, and coffee, lots of coffee!

I saw the shiny 140 - what a gem!
Thanks! About half the time I was hiding under the wing. It was a very nice day, but after walking the runway a few times I was exhausted and hot.
Here are a couple of pics. I'll put higher resolution photos later.

This was early on Friday when I arrived. When I left, both sides of 17-35 were lined with planes. It was packed!







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Not sure how everyone missed it. They had all three meals every day. They had the big tent up, and behind it to the North they served pancakes, sausage, eggs, etc. Oh, and coffee, lots of coffee!
None of us found any food except the burgers at the end of 13 at noon. I am sure I would have smelled coffee, pancakes and sausages. Were they in the parking lot? We also asked the parking attendants and they said they had no clue.

So I take it you did not compete, Jack?
We saw the 195 too, awesome airplane. Great pictures, as usual.
None of us found any food except the burgers at the end of 13 at noon. I am sure I would have smelled coffee, pancakes and sausages. Were they in the parking lot? We also asked the parking attendants and they said they had no clue.

So I take it you did not compete, Jack?
We saw the 195 too, awesome airplane. Great pictures, as usual.
So you're sure you would have smelled it, but you didn't?! See the big white tent on my photo? It's the little buildings straight to the left.

No competing for me! There were two 195s, both beautiful, one orange and one yellow.
The white tent only had free warm water when we got there. Maybe we arrived too late for the food, not sure.
Got any more awesome pictures?
The white tent only had free warm water when we got there. Maybe we arrived too late for the food, not sure.
Got any more awesome pictures?
Still got a lot to go through. I'll try to post more soon. I only took 600 or so... slow day for me!