Filing Flight Plan
Too difficult to make a radio call after breaking out? Sounds like a reanalyzing of your skills is needed.
Here, let me break it down as to how simple it is:
Push PTT button
In the microphone say "[tail number] is cancelling IFR"
So, so, so difficult. But yeah, if you lack the skill set to use the push to talk button after breaking out, by all means keep clogging up the airspace.
Ed. It sounds to me that you really need to reanalyz how you think about this situation. There are many things that can happen on short final and lots of reasons as to why you should not cancel prior to landing (unless there is an obvious high ceiling and zero chance of you being in IMC) runway problems to airplane problems to wind problems etc etc. I have had to do a go around once because of a pack of coyotes on the run way before, now had I canceled and had to go back up in the crap what would have happend? What would have i done? (Yea I know, go to missed) but, Would I have been a danger to myself and another plane that was just cleared for the approach because of my canceling?? I don't believe anyone of us pilots would really care (in the end) that it took us an extra 10 minutes to land because someone in front of us wanted to be on the ground safely prior to canceling.
I believe your thought process on this is the scary thing about flying in the soup. Its pilots like you that are a potential danger to everyone else. Now will something likely come about from you canceling on final? I hope not, chances are slim, but why take the chance? Why risk everything for 5, 10 or 15 minutes???
Please reanalyz your thinking