

Final Approach
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Apr 12, 2016
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I had my first taste of caviar the other day. I really had no expectations regarding the experience. It tastes like fish. Soooo...what’s the point? Why not just eat a fish?

I don’t get it.

Do you like caviar?
Love caviar, although I've never had the really nutso expensive stuff. Salty, pops in your mouth, juicy fishy goodness...what's not to love? Forego the champagne pairing...that's not really a thing, as the two flavors really don't complement each other at all; that kind of grew out of a plush lifestyle description rather than a real pairing suggestion. Sip a nice vodka from the freezer with caviar dolloped on a very thin schmear of creme fraiche atop those little thin mini-bread-slice lookin' mepba toasts or light crackers...heaven. A few small mounds atop scrambled eggs w/ a little sour cream is pretty amazing.
It's okay for what it is, which is a salty spread one puts on a cracker or small slice of bread. I'll eat it if it's there, but I won't go out of my way for it.
Depends on the type of caviar.... was it from a carp or a Beluga whale.??
Depends on the type of caviar.... was it from a carp or a Beluga whale.??


Waiter - this caviar tastes like mammal!

But it says “Beluga” right here on the box!?
Maybe my issue was having it in the morning. Fish before lunch is just wrong. Europe disagrees with that philosophy.
I have a hard time finding the first born out of all the eggs, I’m only in it to eat their first born lol
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I’ve tried it, too salty for my tastes.
I have a hard time finding the first born or of all the eggs, I’m only in it to eat their first born lol

Wife and I went to an amazing beer-pairing four course dinner at a favorite restaurant Thursday night. Had freshly made pork rinds as an amuse-bouche, then lamb sliders as an app, and a beautiful filet minon as a main. We've been referring to that meal as a "mammal flight."
There is no sort of caviar that comes from whales. Whales are mammals. They don't lay eggs. Beluga caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon. If you get something claiming to be beluga caviar in the US, it is either lying, illegally imported, or very old. It's been illegal to import since 2005 here.
Just go to a bait shop and buy some salmon eggs. Way cheaper.
Don't like it at all, but I don't like anything 'fishy' tasting either.
There is no sort of caviar that comes from whales. Whales are mammals. They don't lay eggs. Beluga caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon. If you get something claiming to be beluga caviar in the US, it is either lying, illegally imported, or very old. It's been illegal to import since 2005 here.

Pretty sure @Zeldman was just making a funny.

Domestic farm-produced Beluga has been granted an exception to the ban and will soon be available for purchase. Look up Sturgeon Aquafarms.
Pretty sure @Zeldman was just making a funny.

Domestic farm-produced Beluga has been granted an exception to the ban and will soon be available for purchase. Look up Sturgeon Aquafarms.

So you are saying it will be approved by the Sturgeon General?
So you are saying it will be approved by the Sturgeon General?

He initially denied the approval, but later let it pass just for the halibut...of course, I cod be wrong. Tuna tomorrow for more details...
I was in LAX in March and they have a champagne/caviar bar. I’ve never had it so I walked over to look at the menu and it blew my mind. A little tin of caviar was like $300
It's been a long time since I've had caviar, probably on the order of 20 years. However my recollection was that different kinds of caviar taste different, and so sort of like fish my answer is "depends."

I couldn't tell you which ones I tried that I liked vs. which ones I didn't. Would I try it again? Probably, but I wouldn't spend the money on it, nor was it something I liked enough to seek out intentionally.
We had an importer do a caviar/champagne pairing at the American Wine Society conference a couple of years back. Pretty impressive when you get to the good stuff.
It’s like only one step away from fish semen, so nopenopenope.

have you ever seen fish F? They basically mastubate over fish eggs like we do with socks.

Oh, damn, I forgot where I was going with this

is “mastubate” an allowed word on POA?
Can of peas? It's fish eggs on a ritz cracker.
Haven't had it in decades. Really, really good stuff. Good caviar has deep flavors you just don't get anywhere else.