People with very little self control that eat too much are the defination of :self infliced handicap".
The overweight / obese epidemic is VERY unhealthy and is costing me and the rest of us who maintain a healthy life style more each month when we pay our medical insurance premium.....
Ya wanna stuff your face with twinkies, potato chips, 60 oz big gulps, 10 big macs etc, etc,etc..... Have at it,,,, but fat people need to be charged accordingly on their health insurance to cover the greatly increased chance of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, joint wear and tear and all the other ailments associated with being overweight.... YOUR problem should not cost me a higher premium, but in this bizzare day and age common sense has flown right out the friggin window, and overweight / fat /obese people will scream discrimation when confronted with that fact...
As a side note............ Have you all noticed the ever increasing number of people with handicap cards hanging on their rear view mirror. The vast amount of them are fat... and getting fatter... Why.
.. Because they get to park right up front so they don't have to walk their fat ass so far... They need to be parking in the very outlaying parking spots so they can get some excersize while shopping for more twinkies.
.... When I see those people I usually wait a second to scan the situation to see if they pull out a wheel chair or cane or crutches... If they get out with nothing more them excess fat then I will confront them and with the same speal I just wrote.... I ain't shy and they don't hurt my feelings either.
Now back to your regular scheduled thread of landing a Cessna..