Can the FAA just stop by?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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Can they just call and ask if you are home, and could they stop by?

must you allow them?
FAA is civil, not criminal. They do not need a warrant.

Myself, I would not invite the FAA to my home. I would not expect them to ask to come to my home, unless I lived at the airport.

If your house is not on airport property, I would invite them to not come visit, but tell them to see me at the airport anytime.

Sure - they could just show up at your house unannounced. However - I cannot imagine why you’d have to speak with them. There is zero chance they would make it past my front door.
Can they just call and ask if you are home, and could they stop by?

must you allow them?

What address do you use for your inspection authorization? The way I interpret the 8610-1 form the FAA wants you to put an address in block 4a where they could drop by for a visit during normal business hours. If you listed your home address then I'd think they could stop by if they felt like it.
"Hey, y'know what? This is really kind of a bad time ... how 'bout I come down to your office on Tuesday about 10?"

Then use Monday to talk to an aviation attorney.
Why would you not approve their stopping bye?
I would just tell them ." hell yes, I need QA" see what they say.
where does that say "must allow them to drop by"?

It says "contact" not "visit"

been reading regs long?
I suggest you look into the definition of "contact". Mr. WordSmith.

As for reading the regs., here's the actual quote:

65.91 Inspection authorization.
(c) To be eligible for an inspection authorization, an applicant must—
(3) Have a fixed base of operations at which he may be located in person or by telephone during a normal working week but it need not be the place where he will exercise his inspection authority;

The word "contact" is not there, so, what "regs" did you read that in?

And, based on that reg., I suppose if you deny the FAA to locate you in person, you could relinquish your IA.

Don't loose it, Tom!
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Can they just call and ask if you are home, and could they stop by?

must you allow them?

Call? Absolutely not. How do I know who is on the other end of the phone? I probably won't even answer it. As for just stopping by without calling, NOBODY doing that crosses my threshold. I'm likely as not to be in my jammmies and not even answer the door. Sheesh.
The FAA is kind of like vampires. They have to be invited in.
It depends on what privileges you "hold".....some, they can show up unannounced and begin the digging. o_O

If you deny access.....Lord help you.
So Tom.....maybe they like you ? ;)
My previous ASI did. they would stop and visit when I was at OKH doing the Fairchild restoration. I never gave it a second thought.
When ever they were here doing the inspections on Harbor Air, they knew where the coffee pot was :)
It depends on what privileges you "hold".....some, they can show up unannounced and begin the digging. o_O

If you deny access.....Lord help you.
I've never heard of the FAA ASIs arriving unannounced, but can they?
I've never heard of the FAA ASIs arriving unannounced, but can they? might not be there, but if your hangar door is open...and you are there... they will come in and talk with you. Often times it's a friendly chat....:cool:

Good thing I'm never there....when they come around. :D
My previous ASI did. they would stop and visit when I was at OKH doing the Fairchild restoration. I never gave it a second thought.
When ever they were here doing the inspections on Harbor Air, they knew where the coffee pot was :)
Damn, changed your mind in one minute.
I've never heard of the FAA ASIs arriving unannounced, but can they?
I've never heard of the FAA ASIs arriving unannounced, but can they?
I have heard of ASIs arriving unannounced, particularly at a mechanic shop (and no, not a certified repair station) and I'll stick with my earlier statement and the reference to FAA official policy.

Unannounced spot inspections & ramp checks are very common regardless of the type of operator or shop. This is true of both flight line and hangar operations. The FAA is under no obligation to warn any certificate holder of its intention to perform an inspection. However if the ASI desires to speak to 119 personnel or the accountable manager, making an appointment is what they will normally do. They would also make an appointment if they were wanting to observe a certain type of operation, repair, etc. Otherwise they are likely to just pop in.
I assumed OP was talking about your home, not your hangar or your shop.
Considering the number of 'likes' for the post and the PMs I received about it, there seem to be others who are tired of these passive aggressive 'take a guess what I am thinking and I'll tell you that you are wrong' threads.

Simple. Don't read the ****ing thread. I like it when Tom and Glenn play. Ain't hurting nothing.
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