Blood donation


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
How long after donating blood should I self ground before resuming PIC duty?
How often have you given blood?

if it’s your first time my answer would be very different than it would be for someone that has donated 10 gallons and never had an issue of any kind.
I donated blood immediately prior to Flight Physical .

AME was adament it would cause no issues.

BP and sugar issues came up.

Never before and not since.
  • Back when I was allowed to donate, I often flew the next day. That was just convenient since if I was good enough to drive home, I was probably good enough to fly.
Blood volume is replaced in a couple of days, so maybe at least that long. BUT, you’re required to wait a couple of months before donating again, so that’s probably the time to totally recover.

You really should ask your doctor.
As a reference, at work we're required to wait 72 hours after donating blood to operate a flight.
I'm afraid it's Sport Pilot from now on for you, my friend. :)
How long after donating blood should I self ground before resuming PIC duty?
I’ve never been able to find a recommendation from an authoritative source but they all say that it takes 1-2 days to replace the fluid levels in your bloodstream and several weeks to replace the red blood cells.

My layman's opinion is that you shouldn’t fly on the same day that you donate, drink plenty of fluids before and after donating, and if you are going to go higher than 5,000' use supplemental oxygen for at least a few days after donating RBCs.

I donate platelets so I make sure that I don’t get into any accidents during the 7 days it takes to make new ones. :)
Helps with general guidance to my question.

Follows their guidelines after you finish; drink plenty of liquids, no exercising, no alcohol. I consider flying an exercise because of limited oxygen at higher altitudes and would wait 2 days if flying above 9000’
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