So we have PTFE (Teflon hoses) in the engine room available from both hose manufacturers, nitrile O-rings, and cork gaskets already in the airplanes. Unless the carburetor needle is molded from super secret compound, I'm guessing it's nitrile also. (are they all metal? Been years since I've has an airplane carb apart...)
McFarlane aviation sells NAS fluorocarbon (Viton) O-rings to replace nitrile ones in fuel selector valves already. I've installed many of them.
Fluorocarbon is suitable for dynamic and static seal of o-rings in the environment containing the following chemicals: Acetylene Gas, Aluminium Flouride, Aluminium Nitrate, Aluminium Sulfate, Ammonium Carbonate, Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Persulfate Solution, Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Sulfate, Amyl Alcohol, Amyl Chloronaphthalene, Aniline, Animal Oil, Arachlor 1248, Argon, Aromatic Fuel 50%, Askarel Transformer Oil, ASTM Fuel A, ASTM Fuel B, ASTM Fuel C, ASTM Fuel D, ASTM Oil Four, ASTM Oil Three, ASTM Oil Two, Automatic Transmission Fluid, Beer, Benzene Sulfonic Acid, Benzoic Acid, Benzophenone, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Chloride, Bleach Liquor, Borax Solutions, Boric Acid, Bromine Gas, Bromobenzene, Bunker Oil, Butane, Butter, Butyl Alcohol, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Chloride, Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Hypochlorite, Calcium Nitrate, Calcium Sulfide, Carbolic Acid (Phenol), Carbon Disulfide, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Tetrachloride, Carbonic Acid, Castor Oil, Tung Oil China Wood Oil, Chlordane, Chlorinated Solvents, Chlorine Dioxide, Dry Chlorine, Wet Chlorine, Chrome Plating Solution, Chromic Acid, Citric Acid, Cod Liver Oil, Coffee, Coolanol Monsanto, Corn Oil, Coal Tar Creosote, Creosylic Acid, Crude Oil (Asphalt Base), Cyclohexane, Denatured Alcohol, Dichloro-Butane, Diesel Oil, Di-ester Lubricant MIL-L-7808, Diethylamine Glycol, Dimethyl Phthalate, Diphenyl, Dow Corning 550, Dow Guard, Dowtherm A, Elco 28 Lubricant, Ethane, Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Benzene, Ethyl Benzoate, Ethyl Chloride, Ethyl Chlorocarbonate, Ethyl Formate, Ethyl Hexanol, Ethyl Oxalate, Ethyl Pentachlorobenzene, Ethyl Silicate, Ethylene, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Trichloride, Formaldehyde, Freon 112, Freon 114, Freon 13, Freon C318, Fuel Oil, Gallic Acid, Automotive Gasoline, Gelatine, Glucose, Glycerin, General Glycol, Petroleum Base Grease, Helium, Heptane, Hexane, Petroleum Base Hydraulic Oil, Gas Hydrobromic Acid, Hydrocyanic Acid, Hydrogen Gas, Iodine, Iso Octane, Isobutyl Alcohol, Isopropanol, Isopropyl Chloride, JP 3 MIL-J5624, JP 4 MIL-J5624, JP 6 MIL-J5624, Kerosene, Animal Fat Lard, Linsed Oil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Petroleum Base Lubricating Oils, Malathion, Maleic Acid, Mercuric Chloride, Mercury, Methane, Methyl Bromide, Methyl Chloride, Methyl Ether, Methyl Oleate, MIL-F-25558 (RJ-1), MIL-F-25656, MIL-G-25760, MIL-H-5606, JP-5 JP-4 JP-3 MIL-J 5624, Milk, MIL-L-25681, MIL-R-25576 (RP-1), Type 1 Fuel MIL-S-3136, MIL-S-81087, Mineral Oils, Naphtha, Naphthalene, Naphthalenic, Natural Gas, Neatsfoot Oil, Gas Nitrogen, N-Octane, N-Pentane, Oleic Acid, Oronite 8200, Oxalic Acid, Cold Oxygen, Ozone, Peanut Oil, Petroleum Oil, Phenol, Phenylhydrazine, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphoric Trichloride, Pine Oil, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Sulfate, Producer Gas, Propane, Propanol, Propyl Alcohol, Propylene, 10E Pydraul, 540C 312F 230C Pydraul, 90E 65E 50E 30E Pydraul, Transformer Oil Pyranol, 55 (Phosphate Ester) 53 43 Pyrogard 42, Rapeseed Oil, Red Oil, RJ-1 (MIL-F-25558), RP-1 (MIL-R-25576), Sea Water, Silicone Grease, Silicone Oils, Silver Nitrate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, Soyabean Oil, Stearic Acid, Stoddard Solvent, Sucrose Solutions, Sulfur Chloride, Dry Sulfur Dioxide Gas, Wet Sulfur Dioxide Gas, Sulfur Trioxide, Sulfurous Acid, Tannic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, Tertiary Butyl Mercaptan, Tetrabromoethane, Tetrabutyl Titanate, Tetrachloroethane, Tetrachloroethylene, Tetraethyl Lead, Tetralin, Toluene, Type A Transmission Fluid, Turbine Oil, Turpentine, Varnish, Vinegar, VV-H-910, Whiskey, White Pine Tar, Xylene.