I get that what I think makes me want to not be flying, is less then others. I get that there is a good chance even I will feel differently about the situation someday. But let me ask you a direct question.
I have, for whatever reason, flown 30 minutes in an unknown direction. At the same time I realized I was lost my 430 goes dark, I climbed and looked for landmarks to reference against my sectional. I could not find anything obvious. I pull my iPhone out of my pocket, but no GPS single. I look over at my iPad, and I get the same response. Now I know the grid id at least locally down. I slow down, and then calculate how far I have traveled, adjust for wind, and draw a circle on the chart. I know I am somewhere in that area. I look over at my compass, and realize my gauges are off far more then they should be. I then adjust them, and consider I might have a vacum problem. I assume my VOR is down (mistake, I know). I bring up COM 2, and call flight services. No response. I look for lakes, rivers, roads, and all I see distinguishable is a road. I follow it for 10 minutes, and come to a small town with an airport. I fly over the airport high enough to be out of the pattern, but low enough to read the numbers. It has one runway of 36-18 with no X's on it. I look on my chart (expanding my circle to include 10 minutes of flight) and see I have 7 airports this can be. I look around, and realize this could be any of 5 of them. All of them however are uncontrolled. I dial in traffic for each one, ask for a mic check, and get nothing.
At this point I can do one of two things. Leave this airport and search for landmarks to help me figure out which one it is, or land at it.
My question:
If I chose to land, and I unfit to be a pilot?