Tested: Gatekeeper doesn’t care about a dir alias at all on Catalina 10.15.6. Never seen it care either.
Murph, make a brand new user and switch their shell to bash (since it’ll be zsh by default on OSX now) with...
chsh -s /bin/bash
And see if that user can alias things from .bash_profile (or whatever file you like of the usual bash config file mess).
If they can do it and you can’t... stare and compare file permission/ownership and make sure there aren’t any wacky hidden characters hiding in that file. Edited on something that added CR/LF? Etc.
I just created a new test user on the above version of Catalina (since I switched my user to zsh long ago) and it’s fine with your file cut and pasted into ~/.bash_profile from that user.
(And if nyx warms you of an attempted login that was unsuccessful, that was me by accident. LOL! I was just trying all the aliases.)
If you want to read some real silliness, check out either /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal or /etc/zshrc_Apple_Terminal ... to see how truly hackish the “restartable terminal” is in OSX.
Also note: If you start a shell inside a shell somehow, the second one won’t be interactive and won’t load .bash_profile for security/safety.
And -i won’t truly force it in OSX.
User bobtester here at initial launch of Apple Terminal (highly recommend iTerm2 instead because Apple Terminal sucks, but anyway...) has all his aliases.
Type “bash” he loses them.
Type “bash —verbose —init-file -/.bash_profile” and bob gets to watch the config file run and his aliases work again, three shells deep from the top.
(He also gets the built in OSX warning that zsh is now the default shell and the apple support document url to learn why and change his shell... GRIN...)
Forcing things with —verbose and —init-file might help see where it’s failing.
And Bob says use less instead of more. It’s waaaaay smarter. “less -Ian” in fact. And slash to search. Handles ENORMOUS files very efficiently too. Lovely stuff. Bob says so.
Oh yeah. Bash on OSX is like version 3. Version 5 is where the rest of the world went.