Bariatric surgey and the medical

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Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?
Nope. I had gastric bypass 9 months ago, lost 121 pounds to date and my health improved drastically enabling me to pass my medical and return to flying.
You may have to get an SI (I did) I've got a second class and I've got to bring a letter from the Dr every year. (no big deal) Just make sure that you have your records when you go in for your next medical.
Yup, both outcomes are possible. It depends on the % weight loss and if it becomes stable in 6 months, and on other things- liver functions, etc.
OP here. Went and had the vertical gastric sleeve procedure done 4/29/13. Have gone from 335 to about 200 pounds (just over 6 feet tall). Feel like a million bucks. Am able to do a lot more physical activity as I lost weight which is certainly helping my (above average) results.

Insurance didn't pay for my surgery, I could've bought a 172 for what I paid for the procedure. Not that I want a 172 since I own a 182.

With all of the discussion about BMI threshold for OSA recently I figured I'd share my experience with my fellow flyers. This is not for the faint of heart, though. Nor should you view it as a quick fix. Surgery carries lots of risks and is more of a last resort.

For those considering it ask whatever questions you'd like. I'll do my best to answer.
It's great you achieved those results. Your life has changed for the better in a big ( :D ) way.

Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?

For me it helped. Down 125, got rid of type II. Everyone is different. Get a consult with Doctor Bruce Chien for your individual situation. He already responded on this thread.
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.

I'm no DR., but I would suggest continual dietary counseling for many years to come. It ain't over til the fat lady sings. ;)
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.

Soda and chips will overcome even gastric bypass surgery.

I used to see all of the failed gastric bypass and lap-band patients for one bariatric center. None of them had a mechanical issue with the surgery, all of them had a problem with the substance between the ears.
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.

I'm no DR., but I would suggest continual dietary counseling for many years to come. It ain't over til the fat lady sings. ;)

I agree with this. I am down 125 since my WLS but find that I have to start on my protein shakes again and step up the exercise. The WLS is just a tool....
Soda and chips will overcome even gastric bypass surgery.

I used to see all of the failed gastric bypass and lap-band patients for one bariatric center. None of them had a mechanical issue with the surgery, all of them had a problem with the substance between the ears.

This is true in many cases. I come from a fat family dad was massively obese died bed ridden in his early 60s. Should have had bypass in his younger years. My brother and sister have both had bypass. My brother had his when he was about 550 @ 5'9" and is about 330-350 and struggling to stay there. Although I think he would have been dead by now (@50) if he hadn't had it. My sister has done a little better keeping her weight under control. I do think it should be an absolute last resort.

I know people say it is genetic or gland problems or whatever and for some people it may be but seems to me, a fat guy from a fat family, that it is just math. You put so many calories in and you burn so many and if the math works in your favor you lose weight if not then well I guess you need to buy bigger pants. I have yet to meet someone who if they don't eat wont lose weight.

For me it boils down to wanting to lose weight more than eating what I want. I treat it a bit like a disease you just can't do what other people can. Trust me, on Thanksgiving it would have been easy to say, "I am just going to have some mash potatoes, gravy and pie after all it's a holiday, a special occasion," instead I ate turkey and some roasted squash and lost weight over the week. Sucks but it is my reality.
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I know people say it is genetic or gland problems or whatever and for some people it may be but seems to me, a fat guy from a fat family, that it is just math. You put so many calories in and you burn so many and if the math works in your favor you lose weight if not then well I guess you need to buy bigger pants. I have yet to meet someone who if they don't eat wont lose weight.

You have broken the code.

Yes, there are differences in genes, matabolism and hormones, but in the end if calories burned > calories consumed you are going to loose weigh eventually.

For me it boils down to wanting to lose weight more than eating what I want. I treat it a bit like a disease you just can't do what other people can. Trust me, on Thanksgiving it would have been easy to say, "I am just going to have some mash potatoes, gravy and pie after all it's a holiday, a special occasion," instead I ate turkey and some roasted squash and lost weight over the week. Sucks but it is my reality.

It is not only your reality, it is the reality for anyone who is not blessed with my wifes metabolism.
I am right at the point where I need to start worrying about my weight. So far a firm 'no' to the 'do you want to make that a meal' question and water instead of soda or juice seem to do the job. I also found out that I can either eat my food or my kids lleftovers but not both. I don't have to starve myself but it does require willpower not to balloon up.
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I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.

I'm no DR., but I would suggest continual dietary counseling for many years to come. It ain't over til the fat lady sings. ;)

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I'm shocked you didn't suggest an RV-10. It's just amazing how some people can be. Learn a new trick, pony.

Counseling, that's your magic pill? Jack, if pious jerks sermonizing to me about what a terrible person I was for being fat was going to work I'd have been a twig a decade ago or more.

This is why I started this thread anonymously. Having lost the weight, I hoped to avoid the constant negative stereotyping that some people bring to this conversation rather than maturity. Congratulations. Your attitude will keep more fat people from seeking out serious solutions to their problems. Your attitude will ensure more pilots lose their Medicals. Proud of yourself, yet?

I mean this in the nicest possible way:
Go to Niflheim.
I agree with this. I am down 125 since my WLS but find that I have to start on my protein shakes again and step up the exercise. The WLS is just a tool....

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I'm shocked you didn't suggest an RV-10. It's just amazing how some people can be. Learn a new trick, pony.

Counseling, that's your magic pill? Jack, if pious jerks sermonizing to me about what a terrible person I was for being fat was going to work I'd have been a twig a decade ago or more.

This is why I started this thread anonymously. Having lost the weight, I hoped to avoid the constant negative stereotyping that some people bring to this conversation rather than maturity. Congratulations. Your attitude will keep more fat people from seeking out serious solutions to their problems. Your attitude will ensure more pilots lose their Medicals. Proud of yourself, yet?

I mean this in the nicest possible way:
Go to Niflheim.

Sorry if the shoe fits, but rather than coddle people with a weight problem who think surgury is the final solution I chose to let people know what I have seen happened to 100% of the people I know who did it. They all lost a lot of weight then gained it back.

The only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Period. Banding is simply a tool, not a cure. IMHO.

Seems to me passing of that info would help those struggling with obesity. I struggle with keeping weight off every day.

I'msure your DR. Has better info and sstate than I do. Talk to them about the long term success rate. Good luck.
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It is not only your reality, it is the reality for anyone who is not blessed with my wifes metabolism.

My wife is the same she eats whatever she wants whenever she wants and has zero effect. I joke I married her as part of a long term genetic experiment I am performing to breed fat out of my family. :D
You have broken the code.

Yes, there are differences in genes, matabolism and hormones, but in the end if calories burned > calories consumed you are going to loose weigh eventually.

Calories burned + calories exhausted unburned > calories consumed.
Sure you can control what goes into your mouth and swallow, as well as what you expend, to a certain extent, but maintaining a normal weight is much easier for some people than others. I'm also convinced that both your appetite, not only how much you eat, but what is appealing to you, as well as your metabolism, are controlled by something biochemical (I'm not sure that is the right word) in your body. So it's not correct to say that people who are overweight have no willpower and especially not correct to say that people of a normal weight are virtuous. They have just won the genetics lottery, until there is a famine.
My wife is the same she eats whatever she wants whenever she wants and has zero effect.

And if they are not careful, they can get other women really upset. Look up 'Maria Kang, what is your excuse' or 'Carolin Berg Eriksen instagram' if you want to see some people really getting bent out of shape.
Banding is simply a tool, not a cure.

Where did I say I got a band? I had the vertical gastric sleeve procedure, not the band. Are you even aware that there are different types of bariatric surgeries?
Where did I say I got a band? I had the vertical gastric sleeve procedure, not the band. Are you even aware that there are different types of bariatric surgeries?

It is different, but still a version of portion control. So if you are dedicated to overcome your surgery, you can still defeat it with lots of small portions and high calorie beverages.
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I'm shocked you didn't suggest an RV-10. It's just amazing how some people can be. Learn a new trick, pony.

Counseling, that's your magic pill? Jack, if pious jerks sermonizing to me about what a terrible person I was for being fat was going to work I'd have been a twig a decade ago or more.

This is why I started this thread anonymously. Having lost the weight, I hoped to avoid the constant negative stereotyping that some people bring to this conversation rather than maturity. Congratulations. Your attitude will keep more fat people from seeking out serious solutions to their problems. Your attitude will ensure more pilots lose their Medicals. Proud of yourself, yet?

I mean this in the nicest possible way:
Go to Niflheim.

You even put up an epithet near and dear to my heart. I tend to counsel lifestyle changes, but if such didn't work for you I'm glad you found something that did. People are all different and find different solutions. Any given solution is neither good nor bad so long as it works.

What I find interesting as all get out is I've read that bariatric surgery is curative for some forms of diabetes independent of the weight loss. Works in rodents too.
It is different, but still a version of portion control. So if you are dedicated to overcome your surgery, you can still defeat it with lots of small portions and high calorie beverages.

While the intent of the vertical gastric sleeve was portion control it was discovered to have an additional, unforeseen benefit. Part of the stomach which is removed is responsible for production of one of the hormones that triggers the sensation of being hungry. Thus, patients who get this procedure done also feel fewer hunger pangs, sometimes to the point where they have to have external reminders to eat or else they'll forget. Because of that, the vertical gastric sleeve averages somewhat better results than the band. Still, RnY is the gold standard and yields the best results overall with the associated increased risks of side effects.

Yes, high calorie beverages are one of the banes of weight loss efforts, including here. Those who predominantly drink their calories will have much less success. Fortunately, good bariatric centers tend to screen out those people and divert them to other medically supervised weight loss approaches.


Yes, the bariatric surgeries are amongst the very short list of curative procedures for diabetes. Fortunately, I didn't have diabetes or really any co-morbidities at all. I was a very healthy, but very fat, man in his late 30s. I just didn't want to roll the dice with my health over the next several decades carrying all that weight.

I was on a statin for high cholesterol. My primary care doc just took me off of it and we'll check the bloodwork in 3 months to see if my (surgically altered) diet can keep it under control. Not that my liver cares either way, all my liver enzymes look great!
I was on a statin for high cholesterol. My primary care doc just took me off of it and we'll check the bloodwork in 3 months to see if my (surgically altered) diet can keep it under control. Not that my liver cares either way, all my liver enzymes look great!
That, is stellar :)
Basically in this kinda situation its necessary for us to take care of this all,And because for a fact it does matter the most taking care of the diet and physical activties we do is needed.

physical therapy billing
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Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?

I opted for a LapBand, for a variety of reasons, and had no difficulty obtaining a 2nd class medical at renewal time 9 months later. I did consult with AOPA's medical staff first so I knew what I needed to take with me to the AME. All I needed was a post-op report from my surgeon. It was otherwise very routine.

As a side note, I did not have any pre-existing medical conditions other than GERD, which the LapBand cured 100% by the way. To be honest, this was much more of a life changer for me than the actual weight loss. Not waking up in the middle of the night choking on stomach acid has been the greatest benefit of all.
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