Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?
Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?
Nope. I had gastric bypass 9 months ago, lost 121 pounds to date and my health improved drastically enabling me to pass my medical and return to flying.
... gone from 335 to about 200 pounds ...
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.
I'm no DR., but I would suggest continual dietary counseling for many years to come. It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
Soda and chips will overcome even gastric bypass surgery.
I used to see all of the failed gastric bypass and lap-band patients for one bariatric center. None of them had a mechanical issue with the surgery, all of them had a problem with the substance between the ears.
I know people say it is genetic or gland problems or whatever and for some people it may be but seems to me, a fat guy from a fat family, that it is just math. You put so many calories in and you burn so many and if the math works in your favor you lose weight if not then well I guess you need to buy bigger pants. I have yet to meet someone who if they don't eat wont lose weight.
For me it boils down to wanting to lose weight more than eating what I want. I treat it a bit like a disease you just can't do what other people can. Trust me, on Thanksgiving it would have been easy to say, "I am just going to have some mash potatoes, gravy and pie after all it's a holiday, a special occasion," instead I ate turkey and some roasted squash and lost weight over the week. Sucks but it is my reality.
I know 3 people who have had the sugury, lost weight, then gained it back and more. I'm not saying you can't over come what anecdotal evidence I bring to the discussion, but the odds seem stacked against success in the long run.
I'm no DR., but I would suggest continual dietary counseling for many years to come. It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
I agree with this. I am down 125 since my WLS but find that I have to start on my protein shakes again and step up the exercise. The WLS is just a tool....
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I'm shocked you didn't suggest an RV-10. It's just amazing how some people can be. Learn a new trick, pony.
Counseling, that's your magic pill? Jack, if pious jerks sermonizing to me about what a terrible person I was for being fat was going to work I'd have been a twig a decade ago or more.
This is why I started this thread anonymously. Having lost the weight, I hoped to avoid the constant negative stereotyping that some people bring to this conversation rather than maturity. Congratulations. Your attitude will keep more fat people from seeking out serious solutions to their problems. Your attitude will ensure more pilots lose their Medicals. Proud of yourself, yet?
I mean this in the nicest possible way:
Go to Niflheim.
It is not only your reality, it is the reality for anyone who is not blessed with my wifes metabolism.
You have broken the code.
Yes, there are differences in genes, matabolism and hormones, but in the end if calories burned > calories consumed you are going to loose weigh eventually.
My wife is the same she eats whatever she wants whenever she wants and has zero effect.
Banding is simply a tool, not a cure.
Where did I say I got a band? I had the vertical gastric sleeve procedure, not the band. Are you even aware that there are different types of bariatric surgeries?
Where did I say I got a band? I had the vertical gastric sleeve procedure, not the band. Are you even aware that there are different types of bariatric surgeries?
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine. I'm shocked you didn't suggest an RV-10. It's just amazing how some people can be. Learn a new trick, pony.
Counseling, that's your magic pill? Jack, if pious jerks sermonizing to me about what a terrible person I was for being fat was going to work I'd have been a twig a decade ago or more.
This is why I started this thread anonymously. Having lost the weight, I hoped to avoid the constant negative stereotyping that some people bring to this conversation rather than maturity. Congratulations. Your attitude will keep more fat people from seeking out serious solutions to their problems. Your attitude will ensure more pilots lose their Medicals. Proud of yourself, yet?
I mean this in the nicest possible way:
Go to Niflheim.
It is different, but still a version of portion control. So if you are dedicated to overcome your surgery, you can still defeat it with lots of small portions and high calorie beverages.
That, is stellarI was on a statin for high cholesterol. My primary care doc just took me off of it and we'll check the bloodwork in 3 months to see if my (surgically altered) diet can keep it under control. Not that my liver cares either way, all my liver enzymes look great!
Currently hold 3rd class medical. Am obese but no complicating problems like diabetes. Would a bariatric surgery negatively impact my medical?