Automatic mouse clicks in Windows

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
I want to be able to have my mouse make automatic clicks at timed intervals. I know it can be done. I Googled, but I suck at scripting and don't want to download some third party software if I don't have to. Anyone have a script to share that can accomplish that? Just a single mouse click, that can run in Task Scheduler. Or a better way to do that, if there is one.
No I don't need to move the mouse, I just want it to click every ten minutes until I don't want it to.
C'mon man - the FIRC isn't *that* bad.
The Mouse Jiggler MJ-3 is programmable, to include mouse clicks. Setup is very easy.

Available at Amazon and other fine retailers.
post #2 beat me to it, but yes, Wells Fargo approves of this thread. :biggrin:
I want to be able to have my mouse make automatic clicks at timed intervals. I know it can be done. I Googled, but I suck at scripting and don't want to download some third party software if I don't have to. Anyone have a script to share that can accomplish that? Just a single mouse click, that can run in Task Scheduler. Or a better way to do that, if there is one.
Spiral ramp that periodically drops a ball bearing on the mouse button? Geared cam?