ATC ADSB check


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
"Center, can we get an ADSB check? Currently fl240"
What are some appropriate responses? What is the controller doing or looking at to confirm it's working?
Heard today; atc seemed a little surprised, said it looked ok.
Sounds like two people not understanding what the point of ADS-B is, like the rest of us.
Sounds like a good all the centers even have ADS-B activated? Haven't checked in awhile...
Well based on another thread, I thought I read that the controllers don't see anything different on their screen when it comes to adsb.
If the facility has ADS-B selected, it does distinguish between ADS-B equipped and non equipped.

If an aircraft is non equipped, a filled or solid circle is displayed left of the ID.

If an aircraft is equipped, nothing is displayed left of the ID.

If the aircraft is equipped but not receiving / malfunctioning, a hollow circle is displayed left of ID.
I'll need to look that up in 7610.65, thanks.

7110.65. I'll clarify, ADS-B alone doesn't change separation. FUSION mode, which includes all primary, secondary radar and ADS-B inputs, does have a different separation standard over traditional single source radar (ASR-9 / ASR-11). Currently, there is no real benefit in reduced separation in the terminal area over older systems even with FUSION at 100 %. Radar coverage and target update being the biggest benefits.

On the other thread, we had a controller comment how if you get an increased radar separation (ISR) code pop up in the data block, you have to go from 3 to 5 miles. Sounds like a pain considering it's not something you deal with on an old single source display. Friend of mine said he used to toggle the ADS-B off so he didn't have to see the icon near the tag. This whole reduction in separation benefit is a big as some would like to tout.
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Do you mean the aerial ballet for the rebate ?
Do you mean the aerial ballet for the rebate ?

Well I don't want to downplay the use of ADS-B. I play on upgrading next year. On the ATC end, from controllers I've talked to, indicate ADS-B won't change their procedures that much. They like the coverage and 1 sec updates but for the most part, the radars in FUSION mode provide that as well.

The bigwigs seem to think it's critical in implementing FUSION.
Well I don't want to downplay the use of ADS-B. I play on upgrading next year. On the ATC end, from controllers I've talked to, indicate ADS-B won't change their procedures that much. They like the coverage and 1 sec updates but for the most part, the radars in FUSION mode provide that as well.

The bigwigs seem to think it's critical in implementing FUSION.

There is this little aerial dance routine you have to fly for the FAA to register your ADSB installation. The quickest way to do it is to fly a cloverleaf over one of the ground stations. If you wanted to do this in Class-A airspace, you would need a controller to give you that slice of airspace.
7110.65. I'll clarify, ADS-B alone doesn't change separation. FUSION mode, which includes all primary, secondary radar and ADS-B inputs, does have a different separation standard over traditional single source radar (ASR-9 / ASR-11). Currently, there is no real benefit in reduced separation in the terminal area over older systems even with FUSION at 100 %. Radar coverage and target update being the biggest benefits.

On the other thread, we had a controller comment how if you get an increased radar separation (ISR) code pop up in the data block, you have to go from 3 to 5 miles. Sounds like a pain considering it's not something you deal with on an old single source display. Friend of mine said he used to toggle the ADS-B off so he didn't have to see the icon near the tag. This whole reduction in separation benefit is a big as some would like to tout.

Thanks, I reviewed the Fusion Mode in 7110.65 today, but did not see anything direct about reduced separation. I did see some comments about fusion mode with transitions from approach to enroute coverage and having 3 mile increasing to 5 mile.

Interesting the fusion mode now. When I was in ATC we were just getting computer generated displays matrixed from different radars. But not so much fusion, but matrix.
Do you mean the aerial ballet for the rebate ?
?? 30-45 minutes of flight under ADSB coverage within adsb required airspace. It works, got the rebate check in record time.
?? 30-45 minutes of flight under ADSB coverage within adsb required airspace. It works, got the rebate check in record time.

Didn't work for us. Only after someone did the magic aerial ballet all the boxes on the FAA report filled in.
There are some cases where with a radar outage or outside of radar coverage, ADS-B Out equipped aircraft are provided direct routes rather than flying airways and using procedural separation.