AOPA Renewals

Eliminate the AOPA forum...............I was GONE!!
Yes, that and the way they did it was the last straw for me, but my discontent had been festering for years. I learned that just about every AOPA "service" was a good deal for nobody but AOPA whether it was airplane insurance, financing, life insurance, whatever. Everytime it was screwage for the member who trusted them. I've never seen an advocacy organization so out of touch with the members as AOPA (perhaps other than NRA). They only interest they had in membership was exacting money from you and being able to claim you as head count in their schemes to advance their own objectives.
... They only interest they had in membership was exacting money from you and being able to claim you as head count in their schemes to advance their own objectives.

Which probably weren't even remotely aligned with yours...
Accusing the NRA of being more out-of-touch than AOPA strikes me as a violation of POA ROC.

I'd be happy to engage, but can't.
The only reason I joined AOPA in the first place was because, at the time, they were the only source of online flight planning tools. That was short lived, and my cool magazine depository grew while my bank account shrunk, and I decided that, like a telephone land line, it was an unneeded expense.

I get the whole point of GA advocacy, but don't feel it's on me to finance that battle, and doubt AOPA is very effective. I feel the same way about the NRA.
Just wait until you start getting all the AARP crap.*

*aimed at the youngsters on the board as most of us already get it.

I started about 19 years ago. I never gave them a dime and they finally gave up (many years later). I looked at their web page, saw they were anti 2nd Amendment and that settled it. If you really need a group to "represent" you, try AMAC.
My wife (13 months older than me) couldn't figure out why she was getting all this AARP stuff a few years ago. I had to confess I signed her up because spouses get the benefits even if they weren't old enough yet.
My wife (13 months older than me) couldn't figure out why she was getting all this AARP stuff a few years ago. I had to confess I signed her up because spouses get the benefits even if they weren't old enough yet.
BTDT, got the membership card.
Without AOPA, 9/11 would have killed American GA for good. Melissa Rudinger went to FAA basically stayed in the building until airspace was reopened. Other alphabet groups were excluded from the discussions, but Rudinger had connections and got into meetings before they became closed.

If you think you're doing something better for GA with your measly $70 or whatever it is annually, then do that instead.
You may believe that, and you may be correct - we'll never know, but I'd put my money on the GA caucus and various GA businesses to have succeeded in the absence of AOPA.

From the reporting, she was the only non-government person in the room. I'm sure she had a say but it seems a bit rich to imply that she single-handedly snatched all of General Aviation from total demise ...
She was the only non-government person in the room. It’s closer to the truth to say she single-handedly saved GA than it is to say AOPA does nothing for the little guy.
Call me an idiot, but after 30 years I’ll still support the EAA and the AOPA. The more representation we have in Washington the better. If you find a perfect organization, please don’t join it— you’ll wreck it!

Although I’m not a regular at my local EAA Chapter, it is the hub of non-commercial GA and provides an access point for young wanna-be pilots through Young Eagles (I recently got a thank you letter and a Company Coin from a freshly minted Warrant Officer flying helicopters for the Army whom I plunked in the right seat on a Young Eagles flight 10 years ago —- pretty cool!)

I feel AOPA is doing a good job on the National scene and their regional fly-ins have been a worthwhile trip in recent years.

I admit I get annoyed by the early renewal letters that I feel must be wasting money that could be spent elsewhere. If that’s the worst sin, I’ll still renew as long as I can afford it.
Without AOPA, 9/11 would have killed American GA for good. Melissa Rudinger went to FAA basically stayed in the building until airspace was reopened. Other alphabet groups were excluded from the discussions, but Rudinger had connections and got into meetings before they became closed.

If you think you're doing something better for GA with your measly $70 or whatever it is annually, then do that instead.

I don’t believe that. Sen. Inhofe and other pilots in Congress would not let this happen. AOPA might have been in there first, but many others including, NBAA, were also all over this.

Joining aopa is a personal decision. Look at all they do and if your interests align, send a check. And if not, part ways.