Sorry guys...but some of you are definitely not practicing what you preach.
"Today's world is different", "this is a post 9/11", VOR's outstripped by WAAS approaches, complicated airspace, ARMED AIRCRAFT that can shoot you down.
Then toss in hazy conditions, congested ground cover where one thing looks like another, and you have a reciepe for disaster.
GPS is THE primary nav method of today, or soon will be. Even the FAA says it will slowly phase out VOR, NDB is all but dead, and we are looking at eLoran as a GPS backup.
Do NOT get me wrong, DR and pilotage should be taugh, most definitely, but the "my students will not use, or learn, GPS during primary training" is ridiculous. GPS IS primary today...and you are doing a disservice to the student not teaching them to use it.